Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Label options

Label options

Use these options to make changes to the contents and formatting of the data labels that are displayed with the data points in your chart.

Important: Some label options are available in specific chart types only.

Label Contains

Series name     Displays the series name that is assigned to all of the data points.

Category name     Displays the category name that is assigned to all of the data points.

Value     Displays the value that is represented for all of the data points.

X Value     Displays the x values in xy (scatter) and bubble charts.

Y Value     Displays the y values in xy (scatter) and bubble charts.

Percentage     Displays the percentage of the whole for all of the data points in pie and doughnut charts.

Show Leader Lines     In pie and doughnut charts, displays lines between labels that are positioned outside of the data points and the data points when the labels are wider than the data points that they represent.

Bubble size     In bubble charts, displays the sizes for each bubble, based on the values of the third data series.

Reset Label Text     If data labels have been edited manually, this option resets the text of those labels to the names and values of the selected check boxes under Label Contains.

Label Position

Center     Places labels in the center of all of the data points.

Inside End     Places labels inside of the data points and positions them toward the end.

Inside Base     Places labels inside of the data points and positions them toward the base.

Outside End     Places labels outside of the data points toward the end.

Best Fit     In pie charts, places labels where they are most visible, either inside or outside of data points.

Left     In a line, xy (scatter), or bubble chart, places labels on the left side of the data points.

Right     In a line, xy (scatter), or bubble chart, places labels on the right side of the data points.

Above     In a line, xy (scatter), or bubble chart, places labels above the data points.

Below     In an line, xy (scatter), or bubble chart, places labels below the data points.

Include legend key in label     Places legend keys, with the assigned format and color, next to the data labels in the chart when you select this check box.

Separator     Allows you to choose how the contents of the data label are separated. In the Separator list box, select the separator that you want to use, or type a custom separator.

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