Friday, June 9, 2017

Create a Jackson data structure diagram

Create a Jackson data structure diagram

You can use Jackson data structure diagrams to help design software so that it is easier to modify and maintain.

Jackson data structure diagram

  1. On the File menu, point to New, point to Software and Database, and then click Jackson.

  2. Drag the Process shape onto the drawing page from Jackson.

  3. Right-click a Process, Procedure, or Procedure 2 shape on your diagram, and then click one of the following to set the component type:

    • No Symbol to represent a sequence or elementary component.

    • Show Asterisk to represent an iteration.

    • Show Circle to represent a selection.

  4. To name the process, select the process shape and type a name.

  5. To add additional information, subselect the Note text box below the shape and type your information.

    Note: To hide the note, right-click the shape, and then click Hide Note. To show the note later, right-click the shape, and then click Show Note.

  6. Repeat steps 2-5 to add another process to your diagram.

  7. Drag the Tree connector shape from Jackson onto the drawing page

  8. Connect the two Process shapes.

    1. Glue an endpoint Begin point image - green square with X inside on the Tree connector shape to a connection point Connection point image - blue X on a Process or Procedure shape.

    2. Drag the control handles Control handle image - yellow diamond at the ends of the branches on the Tree connector shape to connection points Connection point image - blue X on other shapes.

    3. Drag the control handle Control handle image - yellow diamond in the center of the Tree connector shape to add up to four more branches.

    4. To add text to the connector, select the shape, and then type. To reposition the text, drag the control handle Control handle image - yellow diamond in the center of the text.

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