Saturday, June 3, 2017

Alert or remind me of changes with e-mail notifications

Alert or remind me of changes with e-mail notifications

Notifications, also known as alerts and reminders, are e-mail messages sent by Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, based on settings that are defined in Microsoft Office Project Web Access.

In this article

About alerts and reminders

Set notifications for yourself

Set notifications for your resources

About alerts and reminders

There are two types of notifications:

  • Alerts     You can set up alerts to receive e-mail notification immediately when some action has occurred with your task or status report. For example, you can turn on alerts that will notify you when you receive a new task assignment, or when you receive a new status report request.

  • Reminders     You can configure reminders to receive e-mail notification when your attention is needed on tasks and status reports. Reminders are based on conditions, such as a certain amount of time after an action occurs, and are sent according to a recurrence schedule that you define, such as every three days. For example, you can set up a reminder that will notify you a day before your status report is due, or that will send you recurring e-mail messages when your tasks are overdue by a certain number of days.

Managers can set up alerts and reminders for their resources. If your manager has done this, you will receive both the manager-defined notifications (for example, for overdue tasks or status reports) and the notifications that you define yourself.

Note: If your manager has set up alerts that you do not want to receive, you can opt out of receiving those alerts. You cannot opt out of reminders that were set up by your manager.

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Set notifications for yourself

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Personal Settings.

  2. Click Manage My Alerts and Reminders.

  3. In the Tasks and Status Reports sections, select the alerts and reminders that you want to receive.

    Note: Reminders that are set up for you by your manager take precedence over your personal settings. For example, if your manager sets up a reminder to send you e-mail one day prior to when a status report is due, and you choose not to have reminders sent about your status reports, you will still receive the reminder set up by your manager.

  4. Specify the frequency at which you want your reminders to be sent.

  5. In the Language Setting section, select the language and format that you want to use for your notifications.

  6. Click Save to finish setting up your alerts and reminders.

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Set notifications for your resources

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Personal Settings.

  2. Click Manage My Resources' Alerts and Reminders.

  3. In the My team members' tasks and My resources' status reports sections, select the alerts and reminders you want to send to your resources.

  4. Specify the frequency at which you want your reminders to be sent.

  5. In the Language Setting section, select the language and format that you want to use for your notifications.

  6. Click Save to finish setting up your alerts and reminders.


  • As a project progresses, you may want to adjust the type and frequency of e-mail reminders. For example, you may want to set a longer duration initially (such as several days or weeks) for a reminder about overdue tasks, and then shorten the duration later so that the reminders are sent as soon as a task becomes overdue.

  • Reminders set up by a manager take precedence over a resource's personal settings. For example, if a manager sets up a reminder that sends e-mail to all resources one day prior to when a status report is due, and a resource has chosen not to receive reminders, the resource will still receive the reminders defined by his or her manager.

Why can't I perform some actions in Microsoft Office Project Web Access?

Depending on the permissions settings you used to log on to Project Web Access, you may not be able to see or use certain features. Also, what you see on some pages may differ from what is documented if your server administrator customized Project Web Access and did not customize the Help to match.

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