Thursday, May 25, 2017

Setting Account Preferences

Setting Account Preferences

You can use account preferences to set options for all members who use Live Meeting.

You can set the following account preferences:

  • User preferences. These preferences control the time zone in which users are located.

  • Default preferences. These preferences control the access to some meeting options that are set for all users when they first install the Live Meeting client.

You can override a member's user preferences by editing the corresponding membership. For more information, see Creating and Managing Memberships.

When you set default account preferences, the preferences you set apply only to new members. Changes that members make to their own preferences will override the default account preferences that you set.

To set user preferences

  1. On the My Home page, in the Administer section, click Account.

  2. On the Account Administration Home page, click Account Preferences.

  3. In the Administer section of the left pane, click User Preferences.

  4. On the User Preferences page, click the default time zone for users and for Live Meeting sessions.

  5. Click Submit.

To set default account preferences

  1. On the My Home page, in the Administer section, click Account.

  2. On the Account Administration Home page, click Account Preferences.

  3. In the Administer section of the left pane, click Default Preferences.

  4. On the Default Preferences page, in the Meeting Size text box, type the default number of concurrent network connections to the Live Meeting conference center that Live Meeting sessions will allow.

  5. In the Streaming Media Custom Pane section, type the URL and the frame height for streaming media custom panes that you want to enable for attendees and presenters at Live Meeting sessions.

  6. In the Audio Preferences section, enter the default Preferred Audio toll-free meeting number, and default toll meeting number for Live Meeting sessions, including the country where each phone number is located.

  7. If you plan to use recordings or Internet Audio Broadcasting in your Live Meeting environment, enter the default dialing keys immediately before and after the participant code that is required for automatically dialing your phone conferencing provider.

  8. In the Additional audio information that is inserted in meeting invitations section, enter any additional audio information that is inserted into the attendee and presenter meeting invitations. Also, select the Allow additional audio information check box to allow meeting organizers to enable this option.

  9. In the Invitation Preferences section, specify whether, by default, meeting organizer can use Microsoft Office Outlook to send meeting invitations by selecting the Allow Outlook Integration (Requires ActiveX) check box.

  10. In the Recording Preferences section, specify whether, by default, all participants or only administrators and organizers can view recordings.

  11. To require that new members provide their e-mail address and company name, select the Require extended registration check box.

  12. Click Submit.

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