Thursday, May 25, 2017

Proxy Properties: Certificate

Proxy Properties: Certificate

Use this tab to specify the certificate to be used by the Proxy Server.

Server Certificate

This is the certificate that is currently used by the server for Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Transport Layer Security with mutual TLS (MTLS) authentication.

Select Certificate

Displays a list of certificates that are installed on the computer. The certificate that you select from the list is provided by the server in response to authentication challenges from clients or servers that send messages to this server.

Delete Certificate

Removes the certificate so that it is no longer used by this server for TLS or MTLS. When you click Delete Certificate, the Proxy Server no longer has a certificate assigned for TLS or MTLS, but the certificate is not deleted from the computer.

Learn More Online

Click to expand or collapse

For details, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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