Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service API 2007 Release Notes

Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service API 2007 Release Notes

The release notes (below) highlight the changes made to the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service API since the release of Version 4.0 Update for Live Meeting 2007 in October 2007. For change details, see the latest version of the Microsoft Live Meeting Service API Documentation, available from MSDN.

Service Release 3

Deployment Dates: June-July 2008

• The publishLiveMeetingMedia option is now deprecated. If a meeting or user XML request specifies a False value, the Live Meeting API Processor sets the option to True. When returned in the getConferencingServiceData element, this option always contains a True value.

• Live Meeting API Processor now accepts additional special characters in e-mail address strings as defined in RFC 2822. Note: "[" and "]" are still accepted.

• Two new attributes have been added to meeting options to support the creation of Easy Assist sessions. easyAssistJoinLink contains the basic Easy Assist session join URL. The custom client appends the URL with the meeting Id and entry code parameters. easyAssistSummaryMailId specifies the e-mail address a conference center sends an Easy Assist session summary e-mail. This e-mail provides a support agent with a summary of activity in an Easy Assist session.

• The tag meeting option can now be set to "_EA", indicating that a session created with the CreateMeeting message is an Easy Assist session. An Easy Assist session is returned in a MeetingReply when the tag attribute associated with the ListMeetingsRequest/StringQuery element is "_EA".

• Two new attributes have been added to user options for Easy Assist sessions. easyAssistEnabled is a Boolean option that indicates a user's ability to create an Easy Assist session. easyAssistSummaryMailId generates a user's default Easy Assist session summary e-mail address when an Easy Assist session is created.

GetUser7Reply and GetUserProfile7Reply messages can return different easyAssistEnabled option values for the same user. This can happen when the Easy Assist license is disabled for an account. GetUserProfile7Reply returns the easyAssistEnabled value set using CreateUser regardless of the status of the Easy Assist license . GetUser7Reply returns a False value when the Easy Assist license is disabled for an account even when easyAssistEnabled is set to True for the user.

GetUser7Reply does not return the value of easyAssistSummaryMailId set when a user is created or updated. Instead, you must send a GetUserProfile7 message to get that value. The GetUserProfile7Reply message contains the correct easyAssistSummaryMailId.

• A new StringOption name is returned in the GetCustomizedLinksReply element. The string option, "easyAssistJoinLink," contains the basic Easy Assist join URL. An administrator uses Live Meeting Manager to update the conference center with the basic Easy Assist join URL. The conference center can then send the updated Easy Assist join URL to a custom client in a reply to the client's GetCustomizedLinks request.A meeting Id and entry code are appended to the basic URL to form an Easy Assist session join link URL.

Service Release 2

Deployment Dates: April-May 2008

• It is now possible to disable two-way audio using VoIP for a conference center without also disabling one-way audio using Internet Audio Broadcasting. VoIP-based two-way audio is now disabled if either the enableAudioVOIP or allowEnableAudioVOIP attribute is set to false, as returned from GetConferencingServiceData7Reply. Broadcast-based one-way audio may or may not be enabled depending on the IAB policies set by the administrator of the conference center. Previously, when either attribute was false, both the VoIP-based and IAB-based audios were disabled.

Service Release 1

Deployment dates: February-March 2008

• A new attribute, uid, is added to the user options. This attribute serves as an immutable and unique identifier of a user within a conference center. Together with the existing userID attribute, the Live Meeting Service API now supports the application scenario in which a user can be easily managed even when his or her userID changes. The affected elements include CreateUserRequest, GetUserRequest, GetUser7Request, User.

• The personalRecordingEnabled attribute of the GetConferencingServiceData7Reply element is now set to false when client-side recording is disabled at the account level, whereas it was erroneously returning true.

• The GetConferencingServiceData7Reply element returns a single row of the recordingEnabled field, whereas it erroneously returned the row in duplicate.

• A bug in the ListConnectedVisitorsReply element is now fixed and the element now returns the correct data, including the current number of attendees and presenters connected to the meeting.

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