Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Making and Receiving Audio Calls

Making and Receiving Audio Calls

This section describes how you can use Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 to make and receive audio calls.

What do you want to do?Make a call

Make a one-click audio call

Call a contact's alternate number

Type a new number to call

Make a conference call

Add a subject or high importance flag to a call

Answer a call

Redirect to an alternate number or to voice mail

Answer with an instant message

Set your status to Do Not Disturb when you receive a call

Decline a call

Make a one-click audio call

Each contact in your Contact List has a default number that you can call by clicking the Call button to the right of the contact. A contact's default number is determined in one of two ways:

  • If you have called the contact before, the default number is the last number you used

  • If you have not called the contact before, the default number is determined by your organization's telephony configuration. Typically, the default is either a contact's work number, or a Communicator (VoIP)call.

To make a one-click audio call

  • In the Contact List, click the Call button to the right of the contact that you want to call. To determine the one-click number before dialing, point to the Call button, and then wait briefly for the tooltip to appear.

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Call a contact's alternate number

Communicator users can publish optional phone numbers and give others Team or Personal Access Level permissions to view the numbers.

To call an alternate number or device

  1. In the Contact List, click the Call button arrow to the right of the contact you want to call.

  2. Click the name or number you want, or enter a new number.

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Type a new number to call

In addition to using one-click calling or the Call button arrow, you can type the number you want to call in the Search box.

To call a new number

  1. In the Office Communicator main window, in the Search box, enter the phone number you want to call. For format guidelines when entering a new number, see Edit Phone Number.

  2. In the Search Results pane, click the Call button to the right of the phone number you entered.

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Make a conference call

You can use Communicator to make conference calls without using a telephone conferencing service provider.

  1. In the Contact List, hold the CTRL key, and then select the contacts you want to invite to the voice call.

  2. When you get to the last contact you want to invite to the call, right-click the contact, click Start a Conference Call, and then select the number with which you want to start the conference call. When you select the number or device to start the conference, the call is initiated and the participants are invited to the call. At this point, the Conversation window opens, shows you as the leader of the conference and displays status for each of the conference call participants.

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Add a subject or high importance flag to a call

To add a subject or importance flag before the call

  1. In the Contact List, click the Call button arrow to the right of the contact you want to call.

  2. In the Conversation Subject box, type the subject you want.

  3. To mark the call as important, click the High Importance button to the right of the conversation subject.

To add a subject or importance flag during the call

  • In the Conversation window, to the right of the Send a File button, click the View More Options arrow, and then click Change Conversation Subject or High Importance, as appropriate.

Note: The conversation subject and high importance flag are only visible to contacts running Office Communicator 2007.

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Answer a call

  • To answer an incoming call, click the contact's name in the call alert that appears in the lower-right corner of your screen.

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Redirect to an alternate number or to voice mail

  • To redirect a call, click the Redirect arrow in the call alert, and then select an alternate number or Voice Mail.

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Answer with an instant message

There are times when it is not convenient to accept a voice call, even though you want to talk to the caller. For example, you may be in an unscheduled meeting or in an important conversation with someone in your office. In these cases, you can answer the call with an instant message, perhaps to indicate that you will call back or be available later in the day.

  • To respond to a voice call with an instant message, click the Redirect arrow, click Send an Instant Message, type your message, and then click the Send button or press ENTER.

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Set your status to Do Not Disturb when you receive a call

There are times when your status shows you as available, but you are actually in an unscheduled meeting or having an important conversation with a co-worker. In cases such as these where you do not want to be disturbed, you can set your status to Do Not Disturb when you receive a call alert.

  • In the call alert, click the Do Not Disturb button, and then click Set Status to Do Not Disturb. The new presence status lasts until the beginning of the next hour.

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Decline a call

  • To decline a voice call, in the call alert, click the Close button. If voice mail is enabled, the call is redirected to voice mail.

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