Friday, August 25, 2017

UML Association End Properties dialog box (Association End category)

UML Association End Properties dialog box (Association End category)


Type an end name for the association end. The name indicates the role played by the class attached to the end. End name is optional.


Choose the stereotype you want from the drop-down list. If a stereotype you want to use isn't listed, you can add a new stereotype or edit an existing one by clicking Stereotypes on the UML menu.


Choose the extent to which an instance of the association can be modified from the source end.

  • None means there are no restrictions on modification.

  • Frozen means no links can be added after creation of the source object.

  • AddOnly means that links can be added at any time from the source object but can't removed before at least one participating object is destroyed.


Choose the aggregation you want. Only one association end can be an aggregation.

  • None means that the end is not an aggregate.

  • Shared means that the end is an aggregate and that the other end is a part and must have the aggregation value of none. The part can be contained in other aggregates. Choosing this option adds a hollow diamond to the end.

  • Composite means the end is a composite and that the other end is a part and must have an aggregation value of none. The part can't be part of any other composite. Choosing this option adds a filled diamond to the end.


Choose whether the targets are instances or classifiers.

  • Instance means that each line of the association contains a reference to an instance of the target classifier.

  • Classifier means that each link of the association contains a reference to the target classifier itself.


Choose the type of visibility (public, private, or protected) that applies to the association end.


Select to indicate that navigation is supported toward the target instance. Selecting this option adds an arrow to the association end. Clear it to indicate that navigation is not supported. To decrease complexity in diagrams, navigability is often shown only in exceptional situations.


Choose an option to specify the number of target instances that can be associated with a single source instance across the association.


If the multiplicity is greater than one, the set of related elements can be ordered or unordered. Leave clear to indicate that the elements are unordered or form a set. Select to indicate that the elements are ordered into a list.


Type any documentation you want to add to the element as a tagged value. When you select the shape or icon representing the element, the documentation you type here also appears in the Documentation window.

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