Saturday, August 26, 2017

Delete an Account record in Business Contact Manager

Delete an Account record in Business Contact Manager

When you delete an Account record, Business Contact Manager for Outlook deletes all its linked items, such as Opportunity records, Business Projects, Project Tasks, and communication history items.

Delete an Account record

Before deleting an Account record, verify that you have saved any of its linked items that you want to keep.

  1. On the Business Contact Manager menu, click Accounts.

  2. In the Accounts list, click the Account record that you want to delete.

  3. On the Edit menu, click Delete.

A deleted linked item can still be available after an Account record is deleted if:

  • The item is saved in another location on your computer.

    • A linked Microsoft Office Outlook item—an e-mail message, appointment, or task—was deleted together with a Account record in Business Contact Manager for Outlook, but is still intact in your Outlook folders.

    • An item was deleted from its location outside of Business Contact Manager for Outlook, but is linked to an Account or Business Contact record in Business Contact Manager for Outlook.

  • Business Contact Manager for Outlook is the only location where the item is saved on your computer, and the deleted item is a dependent link.

    • The item was unlinked before the Account record is deleted.

    • The item was linked to another Account record before it is deleted with the linked Account record.

    • The item is a Business Contact, which is an independent record.

  • The Deleted Items folder has not yet been emptied.

    Note: Only the database owner can permanently delete items in the Deleted Items folder.

The following table shows the dependent linked item types and whether they are saved in Business Contact Manager for Outlook.

Type of communication history item

Saved in
Business Contact Manager for Outlook only?

Business Note


Business Project


Project Task


E-mail Message








Phone Log




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