Monday, September 27, 2021

View your assignments across classes in microsoft teams student

View both upcoming and completed assignments by class, or view them across all your classes. Selecting an assignment will allow you to turn it in or view feedback and scores. You can also view your current grades by class.

View and sort assignments within one class

Navigate to a class team, then select Assignments.

Select the Assignments tab to view your assignments in one class.

Tip: Use your search bar to search for an assignment by keyword.

Upcoming assignments

By default, assignments you haven't turned in yet will display by order of due date under the Assigned tab. Select Load previous and Load more to browse the list. Assignments you haven't opened yet will have a bold title. Late assignments will include a Past due warning.

Select an assignment to attach any work and turn it in.

View your assignment and select Turn in.

Upcoming assignment status

  • Assignment title and due date—Before the due date. You haven't turned in work yet.

  • Past due—You haven't turned your assignment in yet and it's past the due date. This will only appear if your teacher is accepting late turn-ins.

View turned in and returned assignments

Select the Completed tab to view assignments you've turned in.

Select the Assignments tab to view your assignments in one class.

Assignments you've turned in will have a checkmark. Open one to view feedback and scores after your instructor has returned it. You can also select an attached rubric to review more details on your score.

A returned assignment.

Completed assignment status

Open a completed assignment to view more details on its status.

Not turned in

The due date for this assignment has passed and you can no longer turn it in.

Turned in            

You'll see a time and date stamp of your most recent turn-in.

Returned or Returned for revision

You'll see a time and date stamp of when your instructor returned the assignment to you.

Turn in again

You'll see this option when your teacher has returned an assignment to you but is still accepting submissions. This means you can submit any revisions your instructor has requested.

Undo turn in

Your instructor hasn't returned your work yet and submissions are still open. Use this option if you forgot to include something or want to update your work before turning it in again.

View grades in one class

To view grades, navigate to a class team and select Grades.

The Grades app open in a class team.

Here, you'll see all your assignments listed with the nearest due date at the top. View your status on each assignment as well as points you've received on graded work. Assignments without points will show as Returned after your teacher has reviewed them.

View assignments across classes

To view assignments across all your classes, select Assignments from your app bar. Select an assignment to open it or turn in work. 

Assignments app in the app bar.

  • Select Load previous or Load more to load additional assignments.

  • Select Assigned to view work you haven't turned in yet and Completed to view work that you have.

Note: Not seeing an older assignment? Navigate to individual class teams and open Assignments to load more assignments.

Learn more

Turn in assignment



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