Thursday, October 19, 2017

About the SharePoint Workspace 2010 Launchbar

About the SharePoint Workspace 2010 Launchbar

The Launchbar opens when you first start up SharePoint Workspace, unless you change your start-up options.

In this article:

Opening and arranging the Launchbar

About the Workspaces Panel

Contacts panel

Opening and arranging the Launchbar

To open the Launchbar, double-click the SharePoint Workspace icon in the Windows notification area, or click the SharePoint Workspace icon and then click Launchbar.

The Launchbar contains two panels, one for creating and managing workspaces, and the other for managing contacts.

To switch the layout of the Launchbar between tabbed panels (the default layout) and split panels, click the View tab, and then click Split View.

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About the Workspaces Panel

The Workspaces panel displays a list of your workspaces. You can start activities from the Workspaces panel as follows:

  • Double-click any workspace to open it. The workspace opens into a viewer that corresponds with its workspace type. For example, SharePoint and Groove workspaces open in the Workspace Explorer; shared folders open in a special layout in Windows Explorer.

  • Right-click any workspace to see menu options for managing the workspace. For example, you can open workspace properties, rename, pause, or delete the workspace, save a workspace as an archive or template, and invite new members (only in Peer workspaces and shared folders).

  • To create a new workspace, on the Home tab, click New and then click the type of workspace you want to create.

Sorting your workspaces

You can sort workspaces in a variety of ways. On the View tab, click the Workspaces drop-down menu, and then select an option.

  • Folders. Sorts workspaces by folder.

  • Alphabetical. Sorts workspaces alphabetically.

  • Status. Sorts workspaces by status:

    • New. Workspaces that were created no more than 7 days ago are categorized as "New".

    • Active. Groove workspaces that you or other members currently have open for reading or updating. SharePoint workspaces are not categorized under "Active" because they do not contain other members other than yourself.

    • Unread. Workspaces containing new or updated information.

    • Read. Workspaces that do not currently contain any unread content.

    • Not On This Computer. Workspaces you have on other computers. You can download the workspace data either from another computer that contains your account or from another workspace member.

  • Type. Sorts workspaces by type, such as "SharePoint Workspace", "Groove Workspace, or "Shared Folder".

  • Last Unread Time. Select this option to view your workspaces sorted by their relative activity. For example, see which workspaces received new or updated information Today, Yesterday, within the Last Seven Days, or within the Last Thirty Days. Workspaces that have not received updates for more than thirty days are categorized as Older. Workspaces that were created no more than 7 days ago are listed under the heading New.

    Note that within each category, workspaces are sorted top to bottom by "most recently read".

    Workspaces may be sorted under these additional categories:

  • Downloading: Workspaces that are currently being downloaded from another computer or workspace member.

  • Suspended: Workspaces in which your membership has been suspended.

  • Paused: Workspaces in which communications are currently paused.

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Contacts panel

The Contacts panel lists all people you have added to your personal list. You can start activities from the contacts panel as follows:

  • Double-click a contact to start messaging activities in Microsoft Communicator.

    If you are not logged into Office Communicator, double-clicking contacts or members opens the Send Message window.

  • Right-click a contact to display a menu of activity options.

    For example, you can send a message or workspace invitation to the contact, delete the contact, export the contact, and e-mail your contact information to the contact.

  • Drag a contact to a workspace in the Workspaces Panel to open a workspace invitation addressed to that contact.

    Tip: You can drag contacts to a workspace even if the Launchbar is not set to a split view. Drag the contact to the Workspaces tab to display the Workspaces panel and then select the workspace.

  • On the Home tab, click Add Contact to search directories and add new contacts to your list.

Sorting contacts

You can sort contacts in a variety of ways. On the View menu, click the Contacts drop-down menu, and then select an option.

  • Folders. Sorts contacts by folder.

  • Alphabetical. Sorts contacts alphabetically.

  • Status. Sorts contacts according to their current status. Status categories you may see include the following:

    • Active. Lists contacts who are currently online and doing activities in one of your workspaces.

      To immediately go to the workspace, right-click the contact and then click Go to Active Workspace. If the selected member is active in several of your workspaces, a Select Workspace window opens and displays a list.

    • Online. Lists contacts who are currently online.

    • Offline. Lists contacts who are currently offline. These contacts may still be available in Communicator.

  • Verification Status. Sorts members according to their verification status.

Organizing your contacts in folders

You can organize your contacts in folders. You see categories by selecting the option to view folders.

  1. On the View tab, click the Contacts dropdown menu and then click Folders.

  2. Click the location in the Contacts list where you want to place a new folder.

    Folders are created at the same level as the selected folder (if any). For example, if you select a contact that is already in a folder, the new folder will appear hierarchically within that folder.

  3. On the View tab, click New Folder.

  4. Replace the "New Folder" text with a name that makes sense for the contacts intended for that folder.

  5. Drag and drop contacts into the new folder or add new contacts.

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