Monday, April 12, 2021

Set your status

Your status information helps you contact others and helps others reach you. It provides information about a contact and helps you decide the best way to communicate with that contact. For example, you see that a co-worker's status indicator is green in your Contacts list, indicating that she is Available. You could walk down the hall and talk in person, but you notice that her location and note indicate that she is working offsite, so you decide to send an instant message instead.

What do you want to do?

Status that you can set

You can manually set your status to let other people know your availability.

  1. On the My infoscreen, tap the arrow next to your current status.

  2. Under Set mystatus, select one of the following:

  3. Available

  4. Busy

  5. Do Not Disturb

  6. Be Right Back

  7. Off Work

  8. Appear Away

Status that is set automatically

The following settings appear automatically in your status area:

  • Inactive- this means that your computer hasn't been used for certain number of minutes. The default is 5.

  • Offline

  • Unknown

Set a personal note

When you change your Automatic Replies (Out of Office) settings in Microsoft Outlook, the note that you type there also appears in the personal note area in Lync (the box above the picture area and your name). This note remains in Lync until you cancel the note in Outlook.

To set a personal note, do the following:

  1. On the My info screen, tap in the note area, and then type any note you want.

  2. Tap OK to save the note. The note will appear with your contact card.

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