Monday, November 13, 2017

Column and Field Properties dialog boxes (Collection tab)

Column and Field Properties dialog boxes (Collection tab)

Use these options to specify whether the column is a single value or contains a collection of information.

Collections may be sets, lists, or multiple values, and may be used only in object-relational models.

Unordered, non-repeating group of values (Set)

Click to allow population instances of a field in a column to have multiple values, but each value must be unique. The values do not have any sorting criteria; therefore, they are unordered.

Ordered group of values (List)

Click to create an ordered collection of elements that allows duplicate elements. Each element in the collection has an ordinal position. An ordinal position is a position by which a value can be accessed. Because two values can be the same, they are differentiated by their ordinal positions.

Unordered, repeating group of values (MultiSet)

Click to create a collection of elements that can have duplicate values. The elements do not have ordinal positions.

Single value (Column)

Click to specify that there is no collection type property applied. This is the default type.

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