Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Report the status of my tasks

Report the status of my tasks

In Microsoft Office Project Web Access, task status can be captured numerically as hours or percentages and narratively in paragraphs. This article describes how to enter the status of your tasks numerically. To communicate task status as a narrative description, see Submit a status report.

What do you want to do?

Submit the status of tasks

Update my status by using timesheet data

Add a note about my task status

Remove a task from my task status

Submit the status of tasks

Task status is submitted separately from your timesheet. Task status is sent to the project manager, and it reports on your progress toward completion of your tasks. Timesheets are sent to the timesheet approver and report the hours that you worked on different items during the current reporting period.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click My Tasks.

    Depending on your organization's settings, you may see a combination of individual tasks listed under their parent projects, or you may see individual projects without any detailed tasks.

  2. In the Progress column, enter the status of each task or project.

    Tip: If you have multiple tasks with the same name, you might find it helpful to view a task's path within the project to make sure you are entering status information for the correct task. Select the task in question, and then click the drop-down arrow that appears to the right of the task. Click Task path to display a window that shows the task's place within the project's hierarchy. This feature is available as part of the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers. Contact your administrator for more information.

    Depending on the requirements of your organization and its project managers, you may have to enter progress for a task in one of three ways:

    • Hours of work done per day [Example: 1d of 5d (20%)]     Click the Progress column for the task that you are updating. In the grid that appears, type the hours per day that you worked on this project or task since you last submitted its status, including overtime data if requested. Click outside the grid to update the Progress column with your data.

    • Actual work done and work remaining [Example: 5d]     Type the total time you worked on this task to date. Type the time as a number followed by h for hours, d for days, w for weeks, or mo for months.

    • Percent of work complete [Example: 20%]     Type the percentage of the task that you believe has been completed.

      You can view the task status grid in a timephased view by clicking the Timephased view check box at the top of the My Tasks page, and then clicking Apply. The Timephased view shows seven days of detail, and you can use the Previous and Next buttons to scroll through weeks. This feature is available as part of the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers. Contact your administrator for more information.

      Tip: Click Recalculate to see the impact of the actual work data that you entered. Also, if you are unsure of which task and column you have selected when entering data in the status table, the selected task and column are displayed below the table, just above the buttons on the My Tasks page. This feature is available as part of the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers. Contact your administrator for more information.

  3. Select the Send Comment check box if you want to send a comment about your status to the status manager.

  4. Select the check box in the left column for each task that you want to submit, and then click Submit Selected. If you want to submit all tasks to the status manager, and your Project Web Access server is running the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers, click Submit All.

    If you chose to include a comment for your status manager, a window appears. Type your comments about your status in the box in this window, and then click OK. Your status is submitted.


  • Contact your administrator if you need more information about the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers.

  • If the remaining work value for the task needs to be updated, click the name of the task in the Task Name column. On the Assignment Details page, update the Remaining Work box with a current estimate of time to completion.

  • To save your status without submitting it to the status manager, click Save All instead of Submit Selected. This saves your changes but does not change the data that your manager or team members see.

  • The date formats used in the Start and Finish fields can be changed to include a time, or to use a longer or shorter format. You can edit the page, and then modify the Web part, to change the date format for the Project Web Access part. Find more information on modifying Web parts in the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services help.

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Update my status by using timesheet data

If you have already begun entering hours on your timesheet, you can use your saved timesheet data to prepopulate your task status.

Note: This option overwrites any task status that you already entered for the days covered by the timesheet that you import.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click My Tasks.

  2. Click Import Timesheet.

  3. On the Import Timesheet page, in the Timesheet list, select the timesheet that you are importing.

    The timesheet data appears in the Preview section.

  4. Click Import to import data from the selected timesheet to the Progress column on the My Tasks page.

  5. If necessary, change the status data on the My Tasks page, and then click Submit Selected to submit your task status to your status manager.

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Add a note about my task status

If you have comments about the numeric status data that you entered for a task on the My Tasks page, you can add a note to the task for review by the project manager. Notes added to specific tasks are separate from the comments that you enter when submitting your task status. These notes are also different from the narrative status that you enter on the Status Report page.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click My Tasks.

  2. Point to the task for which you want to add a note, click the arrow that appears, and then click Add/Edit Note.

    The Project Web Access Assignment Notes dialog box opens with a list of the existing notes for the task, as well as a box to enter a new note.

  3. Type your text in the bottom box, and then click OK.

  4. Click Save All to save the note.


  • After adding a note, you must save your task status to save the note. If you close the browser window or navigate away from the My Tasks page before saving your task status, the note will be lost.

  • Notes that are added in the Project Web Access Assignment Notes dialog box are not available for viewing by other resources on the project. These notes will be made available only to your status manager.

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Remove a task from my task status

Sometimes you must make tasks in your task status "go away." You can submit a request to remove a task from your task status. However, your status manager must approve your request by the status manager before the task is removed.

Note: Removing a task from your task status does not remove the task from your timesheet or from the project.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click My Tasks.

  2. Select the check box next to the task that you want to remove from your task status.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK in the message that appears. This message notifies you that a delete request will be sent to the task owner.

    The task that you are removing will appear in strikethrough text on the My Tasks page.

  5. On the My Tasks page, click Submit Selected to submit the delete request.

    After your status manager approves your delete request, an indicator is displayed next to the deleted task on your My Tasks page.

  6. When your delete request is approved, on the My Tasks page, select the check box next to the task.

  7. Click Delete to remove the task from your task status.

Why can't I perform some actions in Project Web Access?

Depending on the permissions settings you used to log on to Project Web Access, you may not be able to see or use certain features. Also, what you see on some pages may differ from what is documented if your server administrator customized Project Web Access and did not customize the Help to match.

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