Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Available views

Available views

Microsoft Office Project 2007 provides numerous task, resource, and combination views, which display, in a particular format, a subset of the information you enter in Project.

Task views

Bar Rollup

Description     With large projects, you may have a number of subtasks grouped under summary tasks to help keep your project better organized. The Bar Rollup view, when used after running the Rollup_Formatting macro, displays subtasks rolled up and overlaid as bars on top of their respective summary tasks.

Before you use the Rollup_Formatting macro, you need to first roll up the tasks in your project. Select the tasks you want to roll up, and then select the Roll up Gantt bar to summary check box on the General tab in the Task Information dialog box.

To run the Rollup_Formatting macro, point to Macro on the Tools menu, and then click Macros. In the Macro name list, click Rollup_Formatting, and then click Run. Running this macro does not change any of your project data; it simply optimizes your ability to view your project as subtasks rolled up and overlaid on top of their respective summary tasks.

If you don't want to view the rollup bars when you expand the outline levels, on the View menu, click Gantt Chart, then click Layout on the Format menu. Select the Always roll up Gantt bars check box, and then select the Hide rollup bars when summary expanded check box.

The Bar Rollup view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view.

Gantt view with tasks not yet rolled up

Subtasks appear under a summary task prior to running the Rollup_Formatting macro.

Tasks rolled up as bars

Subtasks in the Bar Rollup view appear rolled up to the summary task after running the Rollup_Formatting macro.

Best uses     After running the Rollup_Formatting macro, use the Bar Rollup view to:

  • View tasks as rolled-up bars on their respective summary task bars.

  • See your whole project without losing sight of the tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Bar Rollup view is the Rollup table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Bar Rollup view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Bar Rollup view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Bar Rollup view allows you to group tasks.


Description     Using the Calendar view, you can create, edit, or review your project tasks in a calendar format. Task bars span the days or weeks that the tasks are scheduled. This familiar format enables you to quickly see which tasks are scheduled on particular days, weeks, or months. If you plan to enter a large number of tasks, however, you may find it more convenient to enter them on the Gantt Chart view and then review them in the Calendar view.

Best uses     Use the Calendar view to:

  • Show the tasks scheduled in a specific week or range of weeks.

  • Review the tasks that are scheduled on particular days, weeks, or months.

  • Create a project by entering tasks and the amount of time each task will take.

  • Establish sequential dependencies between tasks by linking them.

  • Assign personnel and other resources to tasks.

Customization     To make the Calendar view fit your needs exactly, you can customize its appearance or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Calendar view, you can:

  • Format a category of text to distinguish that type of information from all other information. For example, you can italicize all summary tasks and increase the type size of all days of the week.

  • Change the gridlines that divide the Calendar into weeks and days, and underscore information in the date boxes.

  • Display a month, a specified number of weeks, a single week, or a specified number of days.

  • Change the height of the rows representing weeks and the width of the date boxes.

  • Change the appearance of date boxes and the Calendar itself.

  • Control which task bars appear on the Calendar.

  • Create a combination view for the Calendar to display additional information about the tasks shown in the Calendar view or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The Calendar view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Calendar view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Calendar view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. To print a calendar with all of the tasks that a specific resource needs to perform, you can apply the Using Resource filter.

Note that only a limited number of task bars will display or print on a given date in the Calendar view (depending on the row height). To make sure you can review or print the tasks you're interested in, you can apply a filter to display only those tasks before you review or print the Calendar. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Calendar view does not support grouping.

Descriptive Network Diagram

Description     The Descriptive Network Diagram view is identical to the Network Diagram view, except for the size, and the detail of the boxes that represent tasks.

Using the Descriptive Network Diagram view, you can review, create, or edit your project tasks and task dependencies as a network diagram (or flowchart). A box (also called a node) represents each task, and a line connecting two boxes represents the dependency between the two tasks. The boxes on the Descriptive Network Diagram view are larger than those in the Network Diagram view and can contain labels for the data elements in the box. These larger boxes take up more space, and thus fewer boxes fit on a printed page.

By default, the Descriptive Network Diagram view displays one diagonal line through a task that is in progress and crossed diagonal lines through a completed task.

Best uses     Use the Descriptive Network Diagram view to:

  • Create and fine-tune your schedule in a flowchart format.

  • Edit the task information in the Descriptive Network Diagram boxes.

  • Link tasks to specify the task sequence and to determine start and finish dates.

  • Graphically show completed, in-progress, and not-yet-started tasks.

  • Assign personnel and other resources, such as equipment, to specific tasks.

Customization     To make the Descriptive Network Diagram view fit your needs exactly, you can customize its appearance or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project. When you customize the Network Diagram view, you can:

  • Adjust boxes in the Descriptive Network Diagram view to contain the task and resource information that is most important to you. For example, instead of displaying the scheduled start and finish dates, you can display the work and the cost.

  • Apply a different shape or border style to a category of tasks, such as critical summary tasks.

  • Change the appearance of the lines that connect boxes or label them, and prevent boxes from crossing page breaks.

  • Format specific information to distinguish it from all other information. For example, you can italicize all summary tasks and format all milestone tasks as bold text.

  • Choose from different layout patterns and align boxes to quickly give your project an orderly appearance.

  • Expand or collapse the Descriptive Network Diagram to the level you want to see, by showing and hiding the subtasks of summary tasks.

  • Create a combination view for the Descriptive Network Diagram to display additional information about the tasks shown in the Descriptive Network Diagram view or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The Descriptive Network Diagram view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Descriptive Network Diagram view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Descriptive Network Diagram displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Descriptive Network Diagram view allows you to group tasks. When you apply grouping, the current layout options will be applied. Some layout options can be changed only when No group is selected in the Group box.

Detail Gantt

Description     The Detail Gantt view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view, and it depicts slack and slippage in your project. It does so by portraying slack and slippage as thin bars between tasks. These depictions serve as visual cues when you're scanning the progress of a project, as seen in the following illustration.

Detail Gantt view showing slack and slippage

In the example, the thin bar following the first task represents slack: There are two days of slack between the end of the first task and the beginning of the second task. The thin bar in front of the third task represents slippage: This task has slipped from its original start date by two days.

When you notice slippage in your project using this view, you'll probably want to get more information: When was that task supposed to start (according to the baseline), and when is it currently scheduled to start? To display this type of information, you can create a combination view, with the Detail Gantt view in the top pane and the Task Details Form view in the bottom pane. This form lets you see a task's baseline start and finish dates, current (or scheduled) start and finish dates, and actual start and finish dates. (For actual dates to display, the task's percentage of completion must be greater than zero; otherwise, "NA" is displayed in the Date field.)

To see more tasks on the timescale of the Detail Gantt view, click Zoom Out Button image .

Best uses     Use the Detail Gantt view to:

  • See how tasks progress across time and evaluate the slack and slippage between tasks. You can track progress by comparing planned and actual start and finish dates, and by checking the completion percentage of each task.

  • View tasks graphically while still having access to detailed information about the tasks.

  • Create a project by entering tasks and the amount of time each task will take.

  • Establish sequential dependencies between tasks by linking them. When you link tasks, you can see how a change in the duration of one task affects the start and finish dates of other tasks, as well as the project finish date.

  • Assign personnel and other resources to tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Detail Gantt view is the Delay table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Detail Gantt view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Detail Gantt view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Detail Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

Enterprise Gantt Chart

Important: The Enterprise Gantt Chart view is part of the enterprise global template. Only someone who has permission to save the enterprise global template (for example, your project management administrator) can check out and edit items in the enterprise global template or customize the Enterprise Gantt Chart view. All users can then view enterprise fields that have been defined and checked in. Also, note that this view is only available if you are using Microsoft Office Project Professional and have a current connection to the server.

Description     The Enterprise Gantt Chart view displays project information in two ways: The left side displays information as a sheet and the right side displays information as a chart.

The sheet portion displays information about the project's tasks, such as when they start and end, how long they are, and the resources assigned to them.

The chart portion displays each task graphically, most often as a task bar. The bar's length and position on the timescale indicate when that task begins and ends. In addition, the position of one task bar in relation to another indicates whether the tasks follow one another or overlap. To see more tasks on the timescale portion of the Enterprise Gantt Chart view, click Zoom Out Button image .

Best uses     Use the Enterprise Gantt Chart view to:

  • Create a project by entering tasks and the amount of time each task will take.

  • Establish sequential dependencies between tasks by linking them. When you link tasks, you can see how a change in the duration of one task affects the start and finish dates of other tasks, as well as the project finish date.

  • Assign personnel and other resources to tasks.

  • See how tasks progress across time. Review progress by comparing planned (baseline) dates and actual start and finish dates, and by checking the progress of each task.

  • View tasks graphically while still having access to detailed information about the tasks.

  • Split a task so that the task is interrupted and then resumes later in the schedule.

Customization     To make the Enterprise Gantt Chart view more effective, you can customize it. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Enterprise Gantt Chart view, you can:

  • Change the information that is displayed.

  • Format specific information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to an important finish date.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all other information. For example, you can italicize all your summary tasks or increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Format an Enterprise Gantt Chart quickly by using the Gantt Chart Wizard.

  • Change the units of time that are displayed.

  • Display, hide, or change the appearance of nonworking time.

  • Change the Gantt bars to illustrate or highlight specific conditions in the schedule. For example, you can add text, change the pattern and color, or assign a different symbol to a particular task category.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Enterprise Gantt Chart. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field, row, and title gridlines.

  • Add your own labels or drawings to the Enterprise Gantt Chart.

  • Roll up subtask dates on a summary task bar.

  • Create a combination view for the Enterprise Gantt Chart view to display additional information about the tasks or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Enterprise Gantt Chart view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Enterprise Gantt Chart view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Enterprise Gantt Chart display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Enterprise Gantt Chart view allows you to group tasks.

Gantt Chart

Description     The Gantt Chart view displays project information in two ways: The left side displays information as a sheet and the right side displays information as a chart.

The sheet portion displays information about the project's tasks, such as when they start and end, how long they are, and the resources assigned to them.

The chart portion displays each task graphically, most often as a task bar. The bar's length and position on the timescale indicate when that task begins and ends. In addition, the position of one task bar in relation to another indicates whether the tasks follow one another or overlap. To see more tasks on the timescale portion of the Gantt Chart view, click Zoom Out Button image .

Best uses     Use the Gantt Chart view to:

  • Create a project by entering tasks and the amount of time each task will take.

  • Establish sequential dependencies between tasks by linking them. When you link tasks, you can see how a change in the duration of one task affects the start and finish dates of other tasks, as well as the project finish date.

  • Assign personnel and other resources to tasks.

  • See how tasks progress across time. Review progress by comparing planned (baseline) dates and actual start and finish dates, and by checking the progress of each task.

  • View tasks graphically while still having access to detailed information about the tasks.

  • Split a task so that the task is interrupted and then resumes later in the schedule.

Customization     To make the Gantt Chart view more effective, you can customize it. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Gantt Chart view, you can:

  • Change the information that is displayed.

  • Format specific information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to an important finish date.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all other information. For example, you can italicize all your summary tasks or increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Format a Gantt Chart quickly by using the Gantt Chart Wizard.

  • Change the units of time that are displayed.

  • Display, hide, or change the appearance of nonworking time.

  • Change the Gantt bars to illustrate or highlight specific conditions in the schedule. For example, you can add text, change the pattern and color, or assign a different symbol to a particular task category.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Gantt Chart. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field, row, and title gridlines.

  • Add your own labels or drawings to the Gantt Chart.

  • Roll up subtask dates on a summary task bar.

  • Create a combination view for the Gantt Chart view to display additional information about the tasks or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Gantt Chart view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Gantt Chart view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Gantt Chart display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Gantt Chart view allows you to group tasks.

Leveling Gantt

Description     The Leveling Gantt view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view, where the left side of the view displays project information as a sheet and the right side displays project information as a chart. The sheet portion displays a list of tasks and information about task delays.

The chart portion, which shows the before and after effects of leveling, displays each task graphically, most often as a task bar. The bar's length and position on the timescale indicate when that task begins and ends. In addition, the position of one task bar in relation to another indicates whether the tasks follow one after the other or are overlapping.

To see more tasks on the timescale of the Leveling Gantt view, click Zoom Out Button image .

Best uses     Use the Leveling Gantt view to:

  • View delayed tasks graphically while still having access to detailed information about the tasks.

  • Review changes made to tasks during leveling.

  • Review the effects of resource leveling on task completion.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Leveling Gantt view is the Delay table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Leveling Gantt view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Leveling Gantt view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Leveling Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

Milestone Date Rollup

Description     With large projects, you may have a number of subtasks grouped under summary tasks to help keep your project better organized. The Milestone Date Rollup view, when used after running the Rollup_Formatting macro, displays subtasks rolled up as milestones that are marked with each task's name and start date and overlaid on top of their respective summary tasks.

Before you use the Rollup_Formatting macro, you need to first roll up the tasks in your project. Select the tasks you want to roll up, and then select the Roll up Gantt bar to summary check box on the General tab in the Task Information dialog box.

To run the Rollup_Formatting macro, point to Macro on the Tools menu, and then click Macros. In the Macro name list, click Rollup_Formatting, and then click Run. Running this macro does not change any of your project data; it simply optimizes your ability to view your project as subtasks rolled up and overlaid on top of their respective summary tasks.

If you don't want to view the rollup bars when you expand the outline levels, on the View menu, click Gantt Chart, then click Layout on the Format menu. Select the Always roll up Gantt bars check box, and then select the Hide rollup bars when summary expanded check box.

The Milestone Date Rollup view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view.

Best uses     After running the Rollup_Formatting macro, use the Milestone Date Rollup view to:

  • View tasks as rolled-up milestones on their respective summary task bars.

  • See your whole project without losing sight of the tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Milestone Date Rollup view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Milestone Date Rollup view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Milestone Date Rollup view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Milestone Date Rollup view allows you to group tasks.

Milestone Rollup

Description     With large projects, you may have a number of subtasks grouped under summary tasks to help keep your project better organized. The Milestone Rollup view, when used after running the Rollup_Formatting macro, displays subtasks rolled up as milestones that are marked with each task's name and overlaid on top of their respective summary tasks.

Before you use the Rollup_Formatting macro, you need to first roll up the tasks in your project. Select the tasks you want to roll up, and then select the Roll up Gantt bar to summary check box on the General tab in the Task Information dialog box.

To run the Rollup_Formatting macro, point to Macro on the Tools menu, and then click Macros. In the Macro name list, click Rollup_Formatting, and then click Run. Running this macro does not change any of your project data; it simply optimizes your ability to view your project as subtasks rolled up and overlaid on top of their respective summary tasks.

If you don't want to view the rollup bars when you expand the outline levels, on the View menu, click Gantt Chart, then click Layout on the Format menu. Select the Always roll up Gantt bars check box, and then select the Hide rollup bars when summary expanded check box.

The Milestone Rollup view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view.

Gantt view with tasks not yet rolled up

Subtasks appear under a summary task prior to running the Rollup_Formatting macro.

Tasks rolled up as milestones

Subtasks in the Milestone Rollup view appear rolled up to the summary task after running the Rollup_Formatting macro.

Best uses     After running the Rollup_Formatting macro, use the Milestone Rollup view to:

  • View tasks as rolled-up milestones on their respective summary task bars.

  • See your whole project without losing sight of the tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Milestone Rollup view is the Rollup table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Milestone Rollup view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Milestone Rollup view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Milestone Rollup view allows you to group tasks.

Multiple Baselines Gantt

Description     The Multiple Baselines Gantt view displays different colored task bars for the first three baselines (Baseline, Baseline1, and Baseline2) on summary tasks and subtasks in the chart portion of this view.

Much like the Gantt Chart view, the sheet portion of this view displays information about the project's tasks, such as when they start and end, how long they are, and the resources assigned to them. In the chart portion of the view, the length and position of the bars on the timescale indicate when tasks begin and end. In addition, the position of one task bar in relation to another indicates whether the tasks follow one another or overlap. To see more tasks on the timescale portion of the Multiple Baselines Gantt view, click Zoom Out Button image .

Best uses     Use the Multiple Baselines Gantt view to see the first three baselines you saved for your project.

Customization     To make the Multiple Baselines Gantt view more effective, you can customize it the same way you would customize the Gantt Chart view. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. You can:

  • Change the information that is displayed.

  • Format specific information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to an important finish date.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all other information. For example, you can italicize all your summary tasks or increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Change the units of time that are displayed.

  • Display, hide, or change the appearance of nonworking time.

  • Change the appearance of the task bars.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of this view. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field, row, and title gridlines.

  • Add your own labels or drawings to this view.

  • Roll up subtask dates on a summary task bar.

  • Create a combination view for this view to display additional information about the tasks or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Multiple Baselines Gantt view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     You can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see in the Multiple Baselines Gantt view. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of this view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Multiple Baselines Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

Network Diagram

Description     Using the Network Diagram view, you can review, create, or edit your project tasks and task dependencies as a network diagram (or flowchart). A box (also called a node) represents each task, and a line connecting two boxes represents the dependency between two tasks. By default, the Network Diagram view displays one diagonal line through a task that is in progress and crossed diagonal lines through a completed task.

Best uses     Use the Network Diagram view to:

  • Create and fine-tune your schedule in a flowchart format.

  • Edit the task information in the network diagram boxes.

  • Link tasks to specify the task sequence and to determine start and finish dates.

  • Graphically show completed, in-progress, and not-yet-started tasks.

  • Assign personnel and other resources, such as equipment, to specific tasks.

Customization     To make the Network Diagram view fit your needs exactly, you can customize its appearance or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project. To customize the Network Diagram view, you can:

  • Adjust network diagram boxes to contain the task and resource information that is most important to you. For example, instead of displaying the scheduled start and finish dates, you can display the work and the cost.

  • Apply a different box shape or border style to a category of tasks, such as critical tasks.

  • Change the appearance of the lines that connect network diagram boxes or label them, and prevent boxes from crossing page breaks.

  • Format specific types of information to distinguish it from all other types of information. For example, you can italicize all summary tasks and format all milestones as bold text.

  • Choose from different layout patterns and align network diagram boxes to quickly give your project an orderly appearance.

  • Expand or collapse the network diagram to the level you want to see, by showing and hiding the subtasks of summary tasks.

  • Create a combination view to display additional information about the tasks shown in the Network Diagram view or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The Network Diagram view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Network Diagram view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Network Diagram view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Network Diagram view allows you to group tasks. When you apply grouping, the current layout options are applied. Some layout options can be changed only when no grouping is applied.

PA_Expected Gantt

Description     The PA_Expected Gantt view is used in conjunction with PERT analysis to help you evaluate the expected duration, start date, and finish date of tasks.

The PA_Expected Gantt view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view, where the left side of the view displays project information as a sheet and the right side displays project information as a chart.

This view becomes available in Project only after you use the PERT analysis tools, which are available when you load the PERT Analysis Component Object Model (COM) add-in.

Best uses     Use the PA_Expected Gantt view to:

  • Enter the expected durations of a project's tasks.

  • Compare any disparity between task duration estimates.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the PA_Expected Gantt view is the PA_Expected Case table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The PA_Expected Gantt view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the PA_Expected Gantt view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The PA-Expected Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

PA_Optimistic Gantt

Description     The PA_Optimistic Gantt view is used in conjunction with PERT analysis to help you evaluate the best-case duration, start date, and finish date of tasks.

The PA_Optimistic Gantt view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view, where the left side of the view displays project information as a sheet and the right side displays project information as a chart.

This view becomes available in Project only after you use the PERT analysis tools, which are available when you load the PERT Analysis Component Object Model (COM) add-in.

Best uses     Use the PA_Optimistic Gantt view to:

  • Enter the best-case durations of a project's tasks.

  • Compare any disparity between task duration estimates.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the PA_Optimistic Gantt view is the PA_Optimistic Case table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The PA_Optimistic Gantt view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the PA_Optimistic Gantt view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The PA_Optimistic Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

PA_Pessimistic Gantt

Description     The PA_Pessimistic Gantt view is used in conjunction with PERT analysis to help you evaluate the worst-case duration, start date, and finish date of tasks.

The PA_Pessimistic Gantt view is a variation of the Gantt Chart view, where the left side of the view displays project information as a sheet and the right side displays project information as a chart.

This view becomes available in Project only after you use the PERT analysis tools, which are available when you load the PERT Analysis Component Object Model (COM) add-in.

Best uses     Use the PA_Pessimistic Gantt view to:

  • Enter the worst-case durations of a project's tasks.

  • Compare any disparity between task duration estimates.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the PA_Pessimistic Gantt view is the PA_Pessimistic Case table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The PA_Pessimistic Gantt view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the PA_Pessimistic Gantt view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The PA_Pessimistic Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

PA_PERT Entry Sheet

Description     The PA_PERT Entry Sheet view is used in conjunction with PERT analysis to help you evaluate the probable duration of tasks. You can enter optimistic, expected, and pessimistic values for a task and then ask Project to calculate a probable duration. By changing the weight that Project attributes to each of the three estimated durations, you can make the probable estimate more accurate. You change the weight by altering the default settings.

The PA_PERT Entry Sheet view is a variation of the Task Sheet view.

This view becomes available in Project only after you use the PERT analysis tools, which are available when you load the PERT Analysis Component Object Model (COM) add-in.

Best uses     Use the PA_PERT Entry Sheet view to:

  • Enter the best-case, expected, and worst-case scenarios for task durations prior to calculating the most probable durations.

  • Compare any disparity between task duration estimates.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the PA_PERT Entry Sheet view is the PA_PERT Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The PA_PERT Entry Sheet view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the PA_PERT Entry Sheet view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The PA_PERT Entry Sheet view allows you to group tasks.

Relationship diagram

Description     The Relationship Diagram view is a specialized version of the Network Diagram view and displays the current task in the center of the pane, with the task's immediate predecessors to its left and immediate successors to its right. If you have a large project with many interrelated tasks, you can use the Relationship Diagram view to focus on only those tasks that are linked to a particular task.

Best use     The Relationship Diagram view is most useful in the bottom pane of a combination view. When you select a task in the top pane, the bottom pane displays the task and its predecessors and successors.

Tables     The Relationship Diagram view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Relationship Diagram view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Relationship Diagram view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Relationship Diagram view does not support grouping.

Task Entry

Description     The Task Entry view is a combination view that displays the Gantt Chart view in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane. When you select a task in the Gantt Chart view, information about that task appears in the Task Form view.

Best uses     Use the Task Entry view to:

  • View tasks graphically while still having access to detailed information about the tasks.

  • See how tasks progress across time.

  • See how tasks relate to one another across time.

Details     The default detail used by the Task Form view is Resources & Predecessors, but you can apply other details by pointing to Details on the Format menu, and then clicking the details you want to apply.

Tables     The Gantt Chart view displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Gantt Chart view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks. The Task Form view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Gantt Chart view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. You cannot, however, apply a filter to any view in the bottom pane. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Gantt Chart view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter for the Gantt Chart view is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Task Entry view allows you to group tasks in the Gantt Chart portion of the view. You cannot group tasks in the Task Form portion.

Task Sheet

Description     The Task Sheet view displays information about each task (such as task duration, start and finish dates, and cost) in a sheet format.

Best uses     Use the Task Sheet view to:

  • Create a list of tasks and task information quickly when you don't need to see the information graphically over time.

  • Establish sequential task dependencies by linking tasks. When you link tasks, you can see how a change in the duration of one task affects the start and finish dates of other tasks, as well as the project finish date.

  • Assign personnel and other resources to tasks.

  • Review progress by comparing planned (baseline) dates and actual start and finish dates, and by checking the progress of each task.

Customization     To make the Task Sheet view fit your needs exactly, you can customize it or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Task Sheet view, you can:

  • Change the information that is displayed.

  • Format individual information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to an important finish date or assign a different font to an overallocated resource.

  • Format a type of information to distinguish that type of information from all other types of information. For example, you can format all summary tasks as italic text, format all milestone tasks as bold text, and increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Task Sheet view. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field, row, and title gridlines.

  • Create a combination view to display additional information about the tasks in the Task Sheet view or about the resources assigned to those tasks.

Tables     The Task Sheet view displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Task Sheet view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Task Sheet view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Task Sheet view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Task Sheet view allows you to group tasks.

Task Usage

Description     The Task Usage view lists for each task the resources assigned to it and the amount of work that each resource has performed over time, whether per day, week, month, or other time increment. If you're more interested in cost than work, you can use the Task Usage view to display the cost of each resource assigned to a task over time. You can also display multiple pieces of information simultaneously, such as work and actual work, so that you can compare the various sets of information.

The sheet portion of the Task Usage view displays tasks with the resources indented underneath the task to which they are assigned. By default, the information displayed in the sheet portion is more oriented toward the task (work, duration, start, and finish). The timephased portion of the view is more oriented toward the resources, displaying information about work effort per resource or cost per resource. However, you can customize the Task Usage view to display a variety of information about the tasks (by applying a different table) or about the resources (by changing the details displayed in the timescale).

Best uses     Use the Task Usage view to:

  • Assign people and other resources to tasks.

  • Enter and edit task and resource information together, such as work, start and finish dates, cost, work allocation, and work availability.

  • Distribute task assignments more evenly across resources.

  • Find out how many hours each resource is scheduled to work on particular tasks.

  • Vary the amount of work a person spends on a task by setting work contours.

  • Split a task so that the second portion of it starts at a later date.

Customization     To make the Task Usage view fit your needs exactly, you can customize it or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Task Usage view, you can:

  • Display different task information.

  • Format individual information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to an important task.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all other types of information. For example, you can italicize all tasks on the critical path and increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Change the units of time that are displayed to view your project at the level of detail you need.

  • View usage information for a specific time period.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Task Usage view. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field and row gridlines.

  • Create a combination view to display additional information about the tasks shown in the Task Usage view or about the resources to which those tasks are assigned.

Details     The default detail used by the Task Usage view is Work, but you can apply other details by pointing to Details on the Format menu, and then clicking the details you want to apply.

You can also select additional usage details, such as actual cost, actual work, or baseline cost, by clicking Detail Styles on the Format menu, clicking on the Usage Details tab, and then moving the details you want to the Show these fields list.

Tables     The Task Usage view displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Task Usage view is Usage, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks and associated resources.

Filters     The Task Usage view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and timescale portions of the Task Usage view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Task Usage view allows you to group tasks.

Task Details Form

Description     Using the Task Details Form view, you can enter, view, and edit detailed scheduling information about your tasks and resources, as well as tracking information, one task at a time. This form is especially effective for giving you an isolated view of a given task's characteristics.

You can view information about the previous or subsequent task by clicking Previous or Next. The order of your tasks is determined by whether you've sorted or filtered your project. If you have not sorted or filtered your project, tasks are arranged by ID number.

You can use the Task Details Form view by itself, but it is most useful when displayed in the bottom pane of a combination view. It then serves as support by providing additional information about the task you have selected in the top pane.

There are two related views that can help you manage your tasks: the Task Form view, which provides additional information for managing and scheduling tasks; and the Task Name Form view, which is a simplified form you can use to manage basic resource and scheduling information.

Best uses     Use the Task Details Form view to:

  • Display detailed information about a task in the bottom pane of a combination view.

  • Enter and revise task information, including details related to start and finish dates, durations, predecessors, and constraints.

  • Compare baseline and current dates for a task.

  • View at a glance all the resources assigned to a task and edit resources as needed.

Details     You can apply a different set of details to see assigned resources and task dependencies, resource schedules, work and costs on the task, as well as any related notes or objects. To display different details, point to Details on the Format menu, and then click the details you want to apply. The default detail used by the Task Details Form view is Resources & Predecessors.

Tables     The Task Details Form view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Task Details Form view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Task Details Form displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Task Details Form view does not support grouping.

Task Form

Description     Using the Task Form view, which is a simplified version of the Task Details Form view, you can enter, view, and edit basic task and resource scheduling information and tracking information, one task at a time. This form is especially effective for giving you an isolated view of a given task's basic characteristics.

You can view information about the previous or subsequent task by clicking Previous or Next. The order of your tasks is determined by whether you've sorted or filtered your project. If you have not sorted or filtered your project, tasks are arranged by ID number.

You can use the Task Form view by itself, but it is most useful when displayed in the bottom pane of a combination view. It then serves as support by providing additional information about the task you have selected in the top pane.

There are two related views that can help you manage your tasks: the Task Details Form view, which provides detailed information for managing and scheduling tasks; and the Task Name Form view, which is a simplified form you can use to manage basic resource and scheduling information.

Best uses     Use the Task Form view to:

  • Display detailed information about a task in the bottom pane of a combination view.

  • Enter and revise task information, including details related to start and finish dates, durations, and predecessors.

  • View at a glance all the resources assigned to a task and edit resources as needed.

Details     You can apply a different set of details to see assigned resources and task dependencies, resource schedules, work and costs on the task, as well as any related notes or objects. To display different details, point to Details on the Format menu, and then click the details you want to apply. The default detail used by the Task Form view is Resources & Predecessors.

Tables     The Task Form view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Task Form view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Task Form view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Task Form view does not support grouping.

Task Name Form

Description     Using the Task Name Form view, which is a simplified version of the Task Details Form view, you can enter, view, and edit basic task and resource scheduling information, one task at a time. This form is especially effective for giving you an isolated view of a given task's basic characteristics.

You can view information about the previous or subsequent task by clicking Previous or Next. The order of your tasks is determined by whether you've sorted or filtered your project. If you have not sorted or filtered your project, tasks are arranged by ID number.

You can use the Task Name Form view by itself, but it is most useful when displayed in the bottom pane of a combination view. It then serves as support by providing additional information about the task you have selected in the top pane.

There are two related views that can help you manage your tasks: the Task Details Form view, which provides additional information for managing and scheduling tasks; and the Task Form view, which you can use to display basic tracking and scheduling information about your tasks.

Best uses     Use the Task Name Form view to:

  • Display basic information about a task in the bottom pane of a combination view.

  • Enter and revise task information, such as the resources assigned to a task.

  • Link a task to a task that precedes it.

Details     You can apply a different set of details to see assigned resources and task dependencies, resource schedules, work and costs on the task, as well as any related notes or objects. To display different details, point to Details on the Format menu, and then click the details you want to apply. The default detail used by the Task Name Form view is Resources & Predecessors.

Tables     The Task Name Form view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Task Name Form view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, the Task Name Form view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Task Name Form view does not support grouping.

Tracking Gantt

Description     The Tracking Gantt view displays two task bars, one on top of the other, for each task. The lower bar shows baseline start and finish dates, and the upper bar shows scheduled start and finish dates. (Or, if the task has already started, meaning that the percent work complete is greater than zero, the upper bar shows the actual start and the date through which work has been completed. If the task is 100% complete, the upper bar shows the actual start and finish dates.)

When you initially set up your project with tasks and dates and then save the project with a baseline, the Tracking Gantt view displays those tasks as shown in the following example.

Tracking Gantt view with schedule synchronized

The baseline bars and the scheduled or actual bars are synchronized. However, if the start date of the first task slips, the red scheduled bar extends beyond the lower baseline bar by the amount of the slip, as shown in the following example.

Tracking Gantt view showing slippage

Because the tasks are linked, the slipping of the first task causes a ripple effect, making each of its successor tasks slip by the same amount of time.

Best uses     Use the Tracking Gantt view to:

  • See how tasks progress across time and evaluate the slippage of tasks. You can track progress by comparing baseline and scheduled or actual start and finish dates and by checking the completion percentage of each task.

  • View tasks graphically while still having access to detailed information about the tasks.

  • Create a project by entering tasks and the amount of time each task will take.

  • Establish sequential dependencies between tasks by linking them. When you link tasks, you can see how a change in the duration of one task affects the start and finish dates of other tasks, as well as the project finish date.

  • Assign personnel and other resources to tasks.

Tables     The sheet portion displays categories of information about the tasks, arranged in tables. The default table for the Tracking Gantt view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Tracking Gantt view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Tracking Gantt view display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Tasks filter.

Grouping     The Tracking Gantt view allows you to group tasks.

Resource views

Resource Allocation

Description     The Resource Allocation view is a combination view that displays the Resource Usage view in the top pane and the Leveling Gantt view in the bottom pane.

You can quickly create a resource list for your project by typing the name of each resource and related information in the top pane. A resource can be an individual, a company or department, a piece of equipment, a room, or any other resource you're using for your project.

Best uses     Use the Resource Allocation view to:

  • Show cost and work allocation information for each resource.

  • Help identify resources that are overallocated.

  • View each resource's work progress, displayed in sheet and chart formats.

Tables     The Resource Allocation view displays categories of information about the resources, arranged in tables. Because this is a combination view, each view makes use of certain tables that the other view might not.

The default table for the Resource Usage view is the Usage table, but you can select any of the resource tables to display information about the project's resources.

The default table for the Gantt Chart view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the task tables to display information about the project's tasks.

Filters     The Resource Usage view (which appears in the top pane) can use any of the resource filters to display only the information you want to see. You cannot, however, apply a filter to any view in the bottom pane. When you select a filter, the Resource Usage view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Resources filter.

Grouping     The Resource Allocation view allows you to group resources in the Resource Usage view portion only. The default filter for the Resource Usage view is the All Resources filter. You cannot group tasks in the Gantt Chart view portion.

Resource Form

Description     The Resource Form view displays detailed information about one resource at a time. This form is especially effective for giving you an isolated view of a given resource's efforts.

You can view information about the previous or subsequent resource by clicking Previous or Next. The order of your resources is determined by whether you've sorted or filtered your project. If you have not sorted or filtered your information, resources are arranged by ID number.

You can use the Resource Form view by itself, but it is most useful when displayed in the bottom pane of a combination view. It then serves as support by providing additional information about the resource you have selected in the top pane.

You can quickly create a resource list for your project by typing the name of each resource and related information in the Resource Sheet view or Resource Usage view. A resource can be an individual, a company or department, a piece of equipment, a room, or any other resource you're using for your project.

The Resource Name Form view, which is a simplified version of the Resource Form view, can also be used to provide general information about your resources.

Best uses     Use the Resource Form view to:

  • Display detailed information about a resource in the bottom pane of a combination view.

  • Enter and revise resource information, including details related to schedule, cost, and work.

  • View at a glance all the tasks assigned to a resource.

  • Provide detailed information about a resource when used in combination with another view.

Details     You can apply a different set of details to see a resource's schedule, costs, and work information, as well as any related notes or objects. To display different details, point to Details on the Format menu, and then click the details you want to apply. The default detail used by the Resource Form view is Schedule.

Tables     The Resource Form view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Resource Form view can use any of the resource filters to display only the information you want to see. When you select a filter, the Resource Form view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Resources filter.

Grouping     The Resource Form view does not support grouping.

Resource Graph

Description     The Resource Graph view graphically displays information about the allocation, work, or cost of resources over time. By displaying the Resource Graph in a combination view, with a resource view in the top pane and the Resource Graph in the bottom pane, you can review the resource information for one resource at a time, for the selected resources, or for a single resource and the combined selected resources simultaneously. When you display a task view in the top pane, the Resource Graph shows resource information for each task or selected tasks, and for each resource assigned to those tasks.

Best uses     Use the Resource Graph view to:

  • Evaluate which resources are overallocated and by how much.

  • See the work capacity (in terms of a percentage) for each resource.

  • Find out how many hours each resource is scheduled to work.

  • Determine how much time a resource has available for additional work assignments.

  • Review resource costs.

Customization     To make the Resource Graph view fit your needs, you can customize it. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Resource Graph view, you can:

  • Display different resource information.

  • Display information for an individual resource and selected resources at the same time.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all other types of information. For example, you can format all overallocated resources as italic text and all legend labels as bold text.

  • Change the timescale to view your project at the level of detail you need.

  • View information for a specific time period.

  • Control the type of graph displayed, such as a bar, area, step, or line graph.

  • Change the color and pattern of the graph, as well as the overlap between an individual bar graph and a bar graph for selected resources that are displayed simultaneously.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Resource Graph. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for horizontal and current date gridlines.

  • Create a combination view to display additional information about the resources on the Resource Graph view or about the tasks to which those resources are assigned.

Details     The default detail used by the Resource Graph view is Peak Units, but you can apply other details by pointing to Details on the Format menu, and then clicking the details you want to apply.

Tables     The Resource Graph view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Resource Graph view can use any of the resource filters to display only the information you want to see. When you select a filter, the Resource Graph view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Resources filter.

Grouping     The Resource Graph view does not support grouping.

Resource Name Form

Description     The Resource Name Form view (a simplified version of the Resource Form view) is an effective way to enter and edit information about tasks assigned to resources, displaying the information one resource at a time. This form is especially effective for giving you an isolated view of a given resource's efforts.

You can view information about the previous or subsequent resource by clicking Previous or Next. The order of your resources is determined by whether you've sorted or filtered your project. If you have not sorted or filtered your project, resources are arranged by ID number.

Best use     Use the Resource Name Form view to see at a glance all the tasks and schedule information assigned to a resource.

Details     You can apply a different set of details to see a resource's schedule, costs, and work information, as well as any related notes or objects. To display different details, point to Details on the Format menu, and then click the details you want to apply. The default detail used by the Resource Name Form view is Schedule.

Tables     The Resource Name Form view does not make use of any tables.

Filters     The Resource Name Form view can use any of the resource filters to display only the information you want to see. When you select a filter, the Resource Name Form view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Resources filter.

Grouping     The Resource Name Form view does not support grouping.

Resource Sheet

Description     The Resource Sheet view displays resource information in a sheet format, in which you can review, add, or edit information about each resource. Such information includes the payment rate, the number of work-hours assigned, and the planned (baseline) and actual cost.

You can quickly create a resource list for your project by typing the name of each resource and related information. A resource can be an individual, a company or department, a piece of equipment, a room, or any other resource you're using for your project.

Best uses     Use the Resource Sheet view to:

  • Enter and edit resource information.

  • Compare a resource's planned costs and work against actual costs and work.

  • Review the number of work-hours assigned to each resource.

  • Review resource costs.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a person on the project.

Customization     To make the Resource Sheet view fit your needs exactly, you can customize it or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Resource Sheet view, you can:

  • Change the information that is displayed.

  • Format individual information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to a higher-than-expected cost and assign a different font to an overallocated resource.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all others. For example, you can format all overallocated resources as italic text and increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Resource Sheet view. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field, row, and title gridlines.

  • Create a combination view for the Resource Sheet view to display additional information about the resources in the Resource Sheet view or about the tasks to which those resources are assigned.

Tables     The Resource Sheet view displays categories of information about the resources, arranged in tables. The default table for the Resource Sheet view is the Entry table, but you can select any of the resource tables to display information about the project's resources.

Filters     The Resource Sheet view can use any of the resource filters to display only the information you want to see. When you select a filter, the Resource Sheet view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Resources filter.

Grouping     The Resource Sheet allows you to group resources.

Resource Usage

Description     The Resource Usage view lists for each resource the assigned tasks and the total amount of work that the resource is scheduled to perform on each task, whether per day, week, month, or other time increment. If you're more interested in cost than work, you can use the Resource Usage view to display the cost of a resource's tasks over time, or you can display both cost and work at the same time.

You can quickly create a resource list for your project by typing the name of each resource and related information in the Resource Sheet view or Resource Usage view. A resource can be an individual, a company or department, a piece of equipment, a room, or any other resource you're using for your project.

Best uses     Use the Resource Usage view to:

  • Enter and edit information on a resource's task assignment, such as cost, work allocation, and work availability.

  • See which resources are overallocated and by how much.

  • Distribute assignments more evenly among resources.

  • Find out how many hours each resource is scheduled to work.

  • See the work capacity (in terms of a percentage) for each resource.

  • Determine how much time each resource has available for additional work assignments.

  • View each resource's work progress in days, weeks, months, or other time increments.

  • Review resource costs.

  • Vary the amount of work a person spends on a task by setting work contours.

Customization     To make the Resource Usage view fit your needs exactly, you can customize it or create a new version. When you save your project, the customized view is saved with the project file. To customize the Resource Usage view, you can:

  • Display different resource information.

  • Display information in different timescales.

  • Format individual information to call attention to it. For example, you can apply bold formatting to a key resource.

  • Format a category of information to distinguish that type of information from all other information. For example, you can italicize all overallocated resources and increase the size of all field (column) headings.

  • Change the units of time that are displayed to view your project at the level of detail you need.

  • View usage information for a specific time period.

  • Change the gridlines to enhance the readability or clarity of the Resource Usage view. For example, you can specify different line patterns and colors for field and row gridlines.

  • Create a combination view to display additional information about the resources shown in the Resource Usage view or about the tasks to which those resources are assigned.

Details     The default detail used by the Resource Usage view is Work, but you can apply other details by pointing to Details on the Format menu, and then clicking the details you want to apply.

You can also select additional usage details, such as Actual Cost, Actual Work, or Baseline Cost, by clicking Detail Styles on the Format menu, clicking on the Usage Details tab, and then moving the details you want to the Show these fields list.

Tables     The Resource Usage view displays categories of information about the resources, arranged in tables. The default table for the Resource Usage view is the Usage table, but you can select any of the resource tables to display information about the project's resources.

Filters     The Resource Usage view can use any of the resource filters to display only the information you want to see. When you select a filter, the Resource Usage view displays the information as defined by that filter's criteria. The default filter is the All Resources filter.

Grouping     The Resource Usage view allows you to group resources.

Combination views

Combination views are views that contain two views. The bottom pane view shows detailed information about the tasks or resources in the top pane view.

Calendar in a combination view

Most of the time, you will probably use the Calendar view by itself to see as many task bars as possible. But you can combine it with another view if you want to view information simultaneously in two Project views. The Calendar view must be in the top pane in any combination view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Calendar view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the tasks selected in the Calendar view, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display the Calendar view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows detailed information about the tasks selected in the Calendar view.

Gantt Chart in a combination view

You can display the Gantt Chart view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Gantt Chart view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows resources assigned to the tasks selected in the Gantt Chart view, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display the Gantt Chart view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows tasks selected in the Gantt Chart view, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Gantt Chart view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the assigned tasks for the resources selected in the top pane, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Gantt Chart view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the tasks selected in the top pane, along with information about those tasks.

Network Diagram in a combination view

Most of the time, you can use the Network Diagram view by itself to see as many network diagram boxes as possible at once. But you can combine it with another view if you want to see information simultaneously in two views. The Network Diagram view can be displayed in the top or bottom pane in any combination view. When displayed in the bottom pane, the network diagram is laid out automatically.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Network Diagram view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the task selected in the Network Diagram view, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display the Network Diagram view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows detailed information about the task selected in the Network Diagram view.

  • When you display the Network Diagram view in the bottom pane and any resource view in the top pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the network diagram boxes of the assigned tasks for the resource selected in the top pane.

  • When you display the Network Diagram in the bottom pane and any task view in the top pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the network diagram boxes for the tasks selected in the top pane.

Relationship Diagram in a combination view

You can display the Relationship Diagram view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Relationship Diagram view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the task selected in the Relationship Diagram view, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display the Relationship Diagram view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the task selected in the Relationship Diagram view, along with information about that task.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Relationship Diagram view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the first task assigned to the resources selected in the top pane, along with any predecessors and successors of that task. (You can scroll left or right to see additional tasks assigned to the selected resources.)

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Relationship Diagram view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the first task selected in the top pane, along with the predecessors and successors of that task.

Resource Form in a combination view

You can display the Resource Form view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Resource Form view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resource in the Resource Form view, along with information about that resource. Click Previous or Next to see information about another resource.

  • When you display the Resource Form view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the assigned tasks for the resource in the Resource Form view, along with information about those tasks. Click Previous or Next to see assigned tasks for another resource.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Resource Form view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the first resource selected in the top pane, along with information about that resource. Click Previous or Next to see information about another resource.

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Resource Form view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the first resource assigned to the first task selected in the top pane, along with information about that resource. Click Previous or Next to see other resources assigned to the selected tasks.

Resource Graph in a combination view

You can display the Resource Graph view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Resource Graph view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resource selected in the Resource Graph view, along with information about that resource.

  • When you display the Resource Graph view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the tasks assigned to the resource selected in the Resource Graph view, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Resource Graph view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows allocation information for the first resource selected in the top pane. (You can scroll to see information about other selected resources.)

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Resource Graph view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows allocation information for the first resource assigned to the tasks selected in the top pane. (You can scroll to see information about additional resources assigned to the tasks.)

  • When the Resource Graph is the only view or is in the top pane of a combination view, you can specify certain resources by applying a filter. If you apply the All Resources filter (the default), the graph shows information for all resources to which tasks are assigned.

Resource Sheet in a combination view

You can display the Resource Sheet view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Resource Sheet view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources selected in the Resource Sheet view, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display the Resource Sheet view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the assigned tasks for the resources selected in the top pane, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Resource Sheet view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources selected in the top pane, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Resource Sheet view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the tasks selected in the top pane, along with information about those resources.

Resource Usage view in a combination view

You can display the Resource Usage view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Resource Usage view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources selected in the Resource Usage view, along with additional information about those resources.

  • When you display the Resource Usage view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the tasks assigned to the resources selected in the Resource Usage view, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Resource Usage view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources selected in the top pane, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Resource Usage view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the tasks selected in the top pane, along with information about those resources. The resource information shown pertains to all assigned tasks for each resource, not just to the tasks selected in the top pane.

Task Form in a combination view

You can display the Task Form view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Task Form view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the task in the Task Form view, along with information about those resources. Click Previous or Next to see another task and its resources.

  • When you display the Task Form view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the task selected in the Task Form view, along with information about that task. Click Previous or Next to see another task and the related information.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the first task assigned to the first resource selected in the top pane, along with information about that task. Click Previous or Next to see other assigned tasks for the selected resources.

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the first task selected in the top pane, along with information about that task. Click Previous or Next to see information about another selected task.

Task Sheet in a combination view

You can display the Task Sheet view in combination with any other view.

This combination view helps you with the following:

  • When you display the Task Sheet view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the tasks selected in the Task Sheet view, along with information about those resources.

  • When you display the Task Sheet view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the tasks selected in the Task Sheet view, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Task Sheet view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the assigned tasks for the resources selected in the top pane, along with information about those tasks.

  • When you display any task view in the top pane and the Task Sheet view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the tasks selected in the top pane, along with information about those tasks.

Task Usage view in a combination view

You can display the Task Usage view in combination with any other view.

When you display the Task Usage view in the top pane and any resource view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resources assigned to the selected tasks, along with information about those resources.

When you display the Task Usage view in the top pane and any task view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the task selected in the Task Usage view, along with information about the task.

When you display any resource view in the top pane and the Task Usage view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the resource selected in the top pane with each assigned task, along with information about the assigned tasks.

When you display any task view in the top pane and the Task Usage view in the bottom pane, the view in the bottom pane shows the task selected in the top pane, along with information about the task.

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