Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Making and receiving calls

Making and receiving calls

Making and receiving calls are among the most common tasks performed in Office Communications Server Attendant. The procedures are similar for sending and receiving instant messages. See Sending and Receiving Instant Messages.

Make a call

To call someone in your Contact List, double-click their name or click the phone icon next to their name.

By default, when you double-click a name in your Contact List, a phone call is placed to that person. You can change the default so that double-clicking sends an instant message instead. In the toolbar, click the Options icon, click Options in the drop-down list, and then click the Actions and Alerts tab. In the drop-down list next to When I double-click a contact, do the following, select Send an instant message.

You can search for a contact by typing their name in the Search box. As you type, matching names appear in your Contact List.

To dial by number, enter the number in the Search box and then double-click the Search result.

Answer a call

When someone calls you, an alert appears in the Incoming area of your main window. To answer it, double-click anywhere on the alert or click Accept.

Note: The call alert looks different for a repeat caller — a contact who has called you more than once within a 30-minute time span. Respond to the call the same way as a normal alert, by double-clicking the alert or by clicking Accept or Decline.

During a call

When you've answered a call, it appears in the Active area. Using the call controls, you can perform various tasks, including the following:

  • Place the call on hold

  • Transfer the call

  • Consult with the intended recipient before you transfer

  • Invite someone else to join the call

  • End the call (hang up)

Decline a call

To decline a voice call, click Decline in the call alert. If voice mail is enabled, the call is redirected to voice mail.

Redirect to voice mail

To redirect a call to voice mail, click Send to Voice Mail in the call alert, and then select an alternate number or Voice Mail.

Note: This option is not available on a Safe Transfer.

Note: If Voice Mail is not enabled, see your system administrator.

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