Monday, July 3, 2017

Find and replace text or numbers

Find and replace text or numbers

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You can search for and replace text, including special characters (such as question marks, tildes, and asterisks) or numbers. You can search by rows and columns, search within comments or values, and search within worksheets or entire workbooks.

Do any of the following:

Find text or numbers

  1. Select the range of cells that you want to search.

    If you want to search the whole sheet, click any cell.

  2. In the search field Search Field in Excel , type the text or number that you want to find.

    Tip: You can use wildcard characters — question mark (?), asterisk (*), tilde (~) — in your search criteria. Use the question mark (?) to find any single character — for example, s?t finds "sat" and "set". Use the asterisk (*) to find any number of characters — for example, s*d finds "sad" and "started". Use the tilde (~) followed by ?, *, or ~ to find question marks, asterisks, or other tilde characters  — for example, fy91~? finds "fy91?".

  3. Press RETURN .

  4. To specify additional search options, do any of the following:


Do this

Search a sheet or a whole workbook

On the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Search in Sheet or Search in Workbook.

Search by rows or by columns

On the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Advanced Search, and then on the Search pop-up menu, click By Rows or By Columns.

Search only for specific types of information

On the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Advanced Search, and then on the Look in pop-up menu, click Formulas, Values, or Comments.

Search for case-sensitive content

On the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Advanced Search, and then select the Match case check box.

Search for exact matches only

On the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Advanced Search, and then select the Find entire cells only check box.

  1. Note: To search for double-byte characters, on the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Advanced Search, and then select the Match byte check box.

  2. To find the next instance of the item that you're searching for, click in the search field and press RETURN , or in the Find dialog box, click Find Next.

    Tip: You can cancel a search in progress by pressing ESC .

Replace text or numbers

  1. Select the range of cells that you want to search.

    If you want to search the whole sheet, click any cell.

  2. In the search field Search Field in Excel , type the text or number that you want to find.

    Tip: You can use wildcard characters — question mark (?), asterisk (*), tilde (~) — in your search criteria. Use the question mark (?) to find any single character — for example, s?t finds "sat" and "set". Use the asterisk (*) to find any number of characters — for example, s*d finds "sad" and "started". Use the tilde (~) followed by ?, *, or ~ to find question marks, asterisks, or other tilde characters  — for example, fy91~? finds "fy91?".

  3. On the magnifying glass pop-up menu, click Replace.

    To specify additional search options, do any of the following:


Do this

Search a sheet or a whole workbook

On the Within pop-up menu, click Sheet or Workbook.

Search by rows or by columns

On the Search pop-up menu, click By Rows or By Columns.

Search for case-sensitive content

Select the Match case check box.

Search for exact matches only

Select the Find entire cells only check box.

Note: To search for double-byte characters, on the magnifying glass pop-up menu, select Advanced Search, and then select the Match byte check box.

  1. In the Replace with box, type the replacement characters.

    To replace the characters in the Find what box with nothing, leave the Replace with box blank.

  2. Click Find Next.

  3. To replace the highlighted occurrence, click Replace.

    To replace all occurrences of the characters in the sheet without reviewing them first, click Replace All.

    Tip: You can cancel a search in progress by pressing ESC .

See also

Filter for or remove duplicate values

Insert a bullet, symbol, or special character

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