Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How to correct a #VALUE! error in the TIMEVALUE function

How to correct a #VALUE! error in the TIMEVALUE function

The most common scenario where the #VALUE! error occurs in TIMEVALUE is when the time_text argument contains a value other than a text string.

The time_text argument has to be a valid text value, not a number or a time value. For example, 22-June-2000 6:45 AM or 22-June-00 are valid values, but the following values are not:

  • June-22-2000 6:45 AM

  • Six forty-five AM

  • 6:45 AM

  • 645

Note: Date information in time_text is ignored.

Output of various TIMEVALUE functions

Solution: You have to change to the correct value. Right-click on the cell and click Format and make sure the cell follows the Text format. And if the value already contains a text, make sure it is valid.

Looking at this example, you might wonder why C10 works, but C11 doesn't. It's because C10 is formatted as Text, while C11 is formatted as Time.

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See Also

Correct a #VALUE! error

TIMEVALUE function

Overview of formulas in Excel

How to avoid broken formulas

Use error checking to detect errors in formulas

All Excel functions (alphabetical)

All Excel functions (by category)

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