Monday, November 13, 2017

Move around in 3D Maps

Move around in 3D Maps

You can navigate the 3-D environment in Power Map by using a mouse, the keyboard, or if you're working on a Touch-enabled device by using gestures.

Mouse navigation

To :

Do this :

Zoom to a location in the globe

Rapidly double-click any portion of the globe.

Zoom in or out

Rotate the scroll wheel, or click the plus and minus buttons.

Pan the globe without changing the pitch

Drag the globe up, down, left, or right.

Change the pitch of the globe

Press and hold Shift while dragging the globe.

Reset the globe and view if you've lost the point of focus

Rotate the scroll wheel to zoom all the way out.

Pan and spin the globe

Click the arrow keys up, down, left, or right.

Note:  You can't use rolling in the 3-D environment of 3D Maps.

Keyboard navigation

To :

Do this :

Pan and spin the globe

Press the up, down, left, or right arrow keys.

Orbit the current target

Press and hold Shift while pressing the left or right arrow keys.

Increase or decrease the camera pitch

Press and hold Shift while pressing the up or down arrow keys.

Zoom in or out

Press the plus (+) or minus (-) keys.

Touch navigation

To :

Do this :

Select a data point

Tap the screen.

Zoom to a location in the globe

Double Tap the location.

Pan the globe

Drag the globe in any direction (up, down, left, or right).

Zoom in

Pinch Closed.

Zoom out

Pinch Open.

Tilt the horizon

Two finger drag up or down.

Rotate the horizon

Two finger drag left or right.

View a context menu

Press and hold.

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