Managing your Yammer users (Yammer admin guide)
As an Admin, you can manage the default settings of users in your network, provision and deprovision users, and determine which fields users can complete. Each user can further customize their individual email notification preferences by clicking the three dots in the top navigation bar and clicking Edit Profile > Notifications. They can also select Edit Profile > Preferences to adjust message and time zone settings.
Within Network Admin, under Users, you can access a number of settings to assist you in managing your users.
This article is part of the Yammer admin guide | ||
Invite users
Use this section to invite employees who have not yet joined your Yammer network. Only employees with a company email address can be invited from this screen. Verified admins can add users in bulk by clicking Import an address book and selecting one of these tabs:
From Webmail This supports importing email addresses from Gmail or Yahoo accounts.
From Email Application this allows you to import a .csv file exported from your enterprise email applications.
If your organization uses more than one Internet domain for email addresses and you would like to add these to your network, consider performing a network merge. You can find more information under the Internal and external networks section of this guide.
Invite guests
Invite external contacts with email addresses outside of your domain (e.g., consultants, contractors, or partners). Guest email domains are not added to the list of authorized domains for your network. Guest users, including active and pending (those who have not yet responded to their invitation), are listed on this page. As with other users, Guest users' names and profiles remain blank until they accept their invitations and complete registration. Guest user accounts can be deleted any time, but their contributions to the network remain.
Remove users
This allows you to deactivate or permanently remove users. As you start typing the name of a user, Yammer auto‐completes and shows you a drop-down list of similar user names. Once you have selected a user, you have three options:
Deactivate this user: Deactivating a user blocks the user from logging on until they verify their email address again. Without access to their verified email account, they cannot log back on to Yammer. User profile information, messages, and/or file uploads remain. This can be a useful option for contract employees that have completed their project but can be renewed again later. Deactivated users can reactivate their account within 90 days by enabling their email account and logging on to Yammer, where they will receive an email with links to reactivate. After 90 days, the account is permanently deleted.
Permanently remove this user and keep messages: This lets you remove the user and retain the messages and content they posted.
Permanently remove this user and messages: This lets you remove the user and all the messages they posted. This cannot be reversed.
Account activity
Yammer allows you to engage in session management for your users and their devices. Search by user, and you can see on what devices they are currently logged on, when they last logged on on each device, and what IP address was used. Admins are also given the option to log that user off from each device.
Block users
If necessary, block users from your network by entering their email addresses. Users with blocked email addresses cannot join your Yammer network unless you or another admin unblocks those addresses. You can separate multiple email addresses with commas or line breaks.
Tip: Yammer is most effective when every post comes from an individual user. Therefore, you might want to block group email addresses.
Bounced emails
Yammer occasionally sends email updates to users. When an employee's email address is disabled, the emails we send bounce back. You can view a list of users whose emails have bounced and deactivate them if they are no longer employees.
Directory integration
You can sync Yammer with your company directory. For more information see the section on Enterprise integrations under the Additional Features > Enterprise integrations section of this guide.
Export users
Export a list of users into a .csv file to monitor and update as needed. Fields include: User ID, Email Address, Name, Job Title, Location and Joined On (the date they joined the network).
Profile fields
Customize the fields users will be able to show in their Profiles, by selecting and clearing the options. These fields are searchable in order to help users find each other when they look for particular information, background, or expertise.
Bulk update users
* Verified Admin Only Manage network memberships using a .csv file. As indicated in the Bulk Update User page, you can add, update, suspend, or delete users. You need to format your .csv as a table and include a header or first line that defines the fields in your table. Header column names should be in the following order from left to right: Action, Email address, Full Name, Job Title, Password, and New Email. The value in the action column indicates what Yammer will do:
New: If you indicate "new" as the action and leave the password field blank, the user is created as "pending". If you indicate "new" as the action and specify a password, the user is created as active and immediately shows up in the Member directory.
Update: If you indicate "update" as the action, the existing Yammer account remains the same. However the other fields (name, title, password, email address) will change to match those in the .csv. Updates to email addresses can occur only to domains that are part of your Yammer network. Additionally, if you supply an email address in your update that already exists on Yammer, we will suspend the user associated with that email address.
Suspend: If you indicate "suspend" as the action, the user account is suspended until the user verifies their status via an email request.
Delete: If you indicate "delete", the user account is deleted, but their messages and attachments remain in the network.
If you want to bulk update users that contain non-English characters, you need a UTF-8 encoded CSV file
Excel does not encode non-English characters in CSV files correctly. If you have such characters in your users names, you can create a UTF-8 encoded CSV file in Notepad to use for bulk updates.
Use Notepad to create a UTF-8 CSV file from an Excel spreadsheet-
Open the file in Excel, and then choose File > Save As. In the Save as type box, choose Unicode Text (*.txt).
Open the file in Notepad.
You have to make sure that the fields in the file are deliminated with commas, so you need to search and replace all tabs with a comma ",". Copy the tab character from your text, and then choose Edit > Replace. In the Find what box. paste the tab character, and in the Replace what box. enter a comma and choose Replace All.
Choose File > Save As and in the Encoding box, choose UTF-8 and in the File name box, change the file extension to .csv instead of .txt.
Next article: Monitoring your Yammer data (Yammer admin guide).
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