Sunday, December 30, 2018

Make adjustments to a timesheet

Make adjustments to a timesheet

Specific people in your organization are granted permissions to adjust timesheets. For example, if a resource adds hours to the wrong task, you can adjust the timesheet to correctly assign the hours.

You must have Adjust permissions to modify timesheet data. Your server administrator sets the permissions that determine whether you can edit data in timesheets. If you do not have the correct permissions, the timesheet fields will be uneditable.

Tip: If you do not have Adjust permissions and you need to get timesheet data changed before you can approve it, you can reject the timesheet in order to send it back to the resource. The resource can make the necessary changes and resubmit the timesheet for approval.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under Approvals, click Timesheet.

  2. Locate the timesheet that you want to adjust.

    As an adjustor, you have access to all of the timesheets in your organization. You can adjust timesheets that are marked Rejected, Accepted, or Approved.

    Warning: You should not adjust timesheets with a status of Processed. These timesheets have already been exported to a third-party system. Adjustments should not be made to timesheets that have been exported. Contact the third-party system administrator to determine how best to make this type of adjustment. If you are not sure who the third-party system administrator is, contact your manager or administrator.

  3. Click the name in the Timesheet Name column for the timesheet that you want to adjust.

  4. Modify the timesheet, as appropriate:

    • To change existing timesheet data, click in a column and row to edit the data in that cell. You can change the values in existing lines, including replacing each value in a line with a zero. You cannot enter negative values.

    • To add a new line to the timesheet, click Add Lines and enter the new timesheet data.


  • If the data was submitted to the wrong task, you cannot change the task name or delete the submitted timesheet line. Instead, type a zero in the grid for the existing entry, and then add a new line to cover the hours that were deleted.

  • If you are an acceptor or approver with Adjust permissions, you can make your adjustments during the approval process. However, adjustments made during the approval process are seen as equal to a team member's changes and are not marked as adjustments.

  • If you want to adjust the remaining work for a task, click the task name on the timesheet, and then modify the value in the Remaining Work box.

Why can't I perform some actions in Microsoft Office Project Web Access?

Depending on the permissions settings you used to log on to Project Web Access, you may not be able to see or use certain features. Also, what you see on some pages may differ from what is documented if your server administrator customized Project Web Access and did not customize the Help to match.

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