Friday, September 1, 2017

Other Options

Other Options

Use the Other Options dialog box to enable federation, archiving, or enhanced presence for this user.


These settings can enable this user to communicate with users in another organization or to connect as an external user.

Enable federation

To enable this user to communicate with users that belong to an organization that is federated with your organization, select this check box.

Enable remote user access

To enable this user to sign in to Office Communications Server from outside your organization's firewall, select this check box.

Enable public IM connectivity

To enable this user to communicate with users of a public instant messaging (IM) service provider, select this check box.


These settings can enable the archiving of IM conversations conducted between this user and other users.

Note: These settings cannot be configured if the settings on the Archiving tab of Office Communications Server Global Properties have not been set to Archive according to user settings.

Archive internal IM conversation

To enable archiving of IM conversations conducted between this user and internal users in your organization, select this check box.

Archive federated IM conversations

To enable archiving of IM conversations conducted between this user and users of a federated organization, select this check box.


This setting enables this account to use the enhanced presence model that was introduced in Office Communications Server 2007.

Note: If you enable enhanced presence for a user and the user signs in to Office Communications Server 2007 or later using the Office Communicator 2007 client or later, the user account is converted to use enhanced presence. The user is then no longer able to sign in to Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 and cannot use any previous version of Office Communicator, Communicator Web Access, or Communicator Mobile to sign in.

Enable enhanced presence

To enable enhanced presence for this user, select this check box.

Learn More Online

Click to expand or collapse

You can enable federation, remote user access, public IM connectivity, archiving, and enhanced presence settings for individual users or multiple users. If you want to configure these settings for multiple users, use the Configure Office Communications Server Users Wizard.

For details, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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