Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Solve math equations with math assistant in onenote

Write or type any math problem and Math Assistant in OneNote can solve it for you—helping you reach the solution quickly, or displaying step-by-step instructions that help you learn how to reach the solution on your own. After solving your equation, there are many options to continue exploring math learning with Math Assistant.

Note: This feature is only available if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription. If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber, make sure you have the latest version of Office.

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Make a big impact with Announcements

Step 1: Enter your equation

In the Draw tab, write or type your equation. Use the Lasso Select tool to draw a circle around the equation. Then select Math. This will open the Math Assistant pane.

Learn more: Create your equation using ink or text.

Type in the number of questions for the practice quiz.

  • Select Settings if you want to switch between solving real numbers and complex numbers, or if you want to set the angle measurement of graphs to degrees, radians, or gradians.

Step 2: Solve your equation

To solve the current equation, do any of the following:

  1. Click or tap the Select an action box and then choose the action you want Math Assistant to take. The available choices in this drop-down menu depend on the selected equation.

    Learn more: Problem types supported by Math Assistant

  2. Review the solution that OneNote displays underneath the action you selected. In the example below, the selected option Solve for x displays the solution.

The Show Steps button in the Math task pane

  • To learn how OneNote solved the problem, you can click or tap Show steps, and then select the detail of what you want to view. The available choices in this drop-down menu depend on the selected equation.

  • To hear the solution steps read out loud, select Immersive Reader  Icon for Immersive Reader to launch it from OneNote.

  • Generate a practice quiz to keep practicing this type of equation.

    Solution steps in the Math Assistant task pane

Tip: You can drag the solution steps to any place on your page.

See also

Create math equations using ink or text with Math Assistant in OneNote

Problem types supported by Math Assistant

Draw graphs of math functions with Math Assistant in OneNote

Generate a practice quiz with Math Assistant in OneNote

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