Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate yammer

Read out loud symbol with the label Screen reader content. This topic is about using a screen reader with Office

This article is for people with visual impairments who use a screen reader program with the Office products and is part of the Office Accessibility content set. For more general help, see Office Support home.

Note: This article describes features in classic Yammer. For information on using these features in new Yammer, see Use a screen reader to explore and navigate new Yammer.

Use your keyboard and a screen reader to navigate Yammer pages, threads, feeds, and your inbox.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft Office.

  • When you use Yammer, we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge as your web browser. Because Yammer runs in your web browser, the keyboard shortcuts are different from those in the desktop program. For example, you'll use Ctrl+F6 instead of F6 for jumping in and out of the commands. Also, common shortcuts like F1 (Help) and Ctrl+O (Open) apply to the web browser – not Yammer.

In this topic

Navigate Yammer pages

You can navigate Yammer pages using headings or WAI-ARIA document landmarks.

Navigate by headings

Yammer uses level 2 headings to identify the main sections of a page, such as navigation areas, group headings, and the message composer. When you first visit a page in Yammer that you are not familiar with, you may find it useful to browse just the level 2 headings to get an overview of the functionality on the page.

Navigate by WAI-ARIA document landmarks

You can also navigate by WAI-ARIA document landmarks. Document landmarks mark the following areas of the page:

  • Site-wide banner

  • Navigation and search areas within the banner

  • Left navigation bar

  • Main content area

  • Related content panel on the right-hand side

Navigate feeds and threads

A Yammer conversation starts when someone posts a message or a question, and then continue as other people reply to the first message. A message and its replies are known as a "thread." You can navigate threads by using headings. The initial message in a thread has a heading level 3 and each reply has a heading level 4.

Typically, a Yammer page area contains a collection of threads. This is called a "feed page", or just "feed". For example, the Home page, the All Company page, and pages for interest groups and individuals are feed pages.

Feed pages can contain an area where you can type a message and start a new conversation. In addition, the Home page contains an announcements area.

Navigate your Yammer Inbox

The Yammer Inbox contains messages that someone has sent directly to you, as an individual or as a member of a group. In addition, you might receive messages from a group where you have been mentioned.

The Yammer inbox page has a different layout than the feed pages. Its main content area contains:

  • A Create Message button, which opens a dialog with a form for creating a new message

  • A series of tabs for selecting views, including Unread messages, Private messages, and All messages

  • A search area where you can search the inbox

This is followed by a list of links that navigate to each message and its replies.

Navigate using keyboard shortcuts

Note: If you are using a screen reader that uses one or more of the keystrokes to navigate the page, you may need to change to a different screen reader mode or use the pass-through key in order to use Yammer keyboard shortcuts; otherwise the keyboard input may be treated as a screen reader navigation command instead of a Yammer command.

You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate to specific areas of the site. For example, to go the Yammer inbox, press g, i (small caps g, followed by a small caps i).

To open the list of shortcuts, press the question mark key (?) anywhere on a Yammer page.

Keyboard shortcuts are not active when the screen reader focus is on a control that accepts text input.

See also

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Yammer

Keyboard shortcuts for Yammer

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

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