Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Encourage employees to participate in internal campaigns

Employees are passionate about a variety of issues. When you want to create an internal campaign to promote social change or address policy issues, you need one place to foster that conversation across the company so employees feel empowered to participate. 

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Start the conversation by creating an internal Yammer group. Yammer is an enterprise social network where people can discuss common interests, share their expertise, and generate campaign ideas.

You can conduct polls to see which campaign ideas have the most interest across the company and encourage people to participate in the development process.

Once you've have landed on an idea, create a channel in Microsoft Teams and invite employees who are interested in working on it. You can continue fleshing out the idea together and coauthor files in the real time. Use @mentions to let someone know their attention is needed. And use chat and audio or video calling to quickly resolve issues.

Once the campaign is complete, share the work in the Yammer group to give people access across the company, get additional input, and answer questions.


  • Discuss common interests and generate ideas across the company.

  • Encourage employees to engage and share feedback.

  • Work together across the company in real time.

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