Sunday, August 5, 2018

Organization Chart Wizard dialog box

Organization Chart Wizard dialog box

In the Organization Chart Wizard dialog box you can choose how you want information to pass from an ODBC data source to the shape data, and vice versa.

Tip: To view shape data when the wizard is finished, right-click a shape, point to Data, and then click Shape Data.

Right-mouse actions

Select the check boxes for any actions that you want to be available when you right-click an organization chart shape.

  • Select database record     This action allows you to select the database record to which you want a shape to be linked.

    Note: Only the data fields are linked, not the shapes' relationships to each other.

  • Refresh shape data     This action refreshes the shape's data field values to match the values in the data source cells for the record to which the shape is linked.

  • Update database record     This action updates the values in a data source record to match the values in the shape data fields of the shape to which the record is linked.

  • Delete shape and database record     This action deletes a shape from the organization chart and the record in the data source to which the shape is linked.

    Tip: To access these actions after the wizard finishes, right-click an organization chart shape that was created during this pass through the Organization Chart Wizard.

    Page actions

    Select the check boxes for any actions that you want to be available when you right-click an organization chart page.

  • Refresh shape data on page     This action updates the values in shape data fields for all the shapes in a linked drawing to match values in the data source.

  • Update database records     This action updates the data source record values to match the values in the shape data fields of a linked shape.

    Tip: To access these actions after the wizard finishes, right-click a page that contains organization chart shapes that were created during this pass through the Organization Chart Wizard.


  • Refresh shape data on document open     Each time you open the linked drawing, the values in shape data fields of all the shapes are updated to reflect values in the data source.

  • Periodically refresh based on NOW function     This event allows you to turn automatic updating of values in shape data fields on or off (for all the shapes in a linked organization chart) at specific intervals defined by the NOW function.

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